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Half-Life Halide Halo HandBrake Handoff Handwriting Haptics Haptic Touch Hard Links Hardware Haskell Programming Language Haxie Hazel HazeOver HBO Max HDMI HeaderDoc Headset Health Health.app HealthKit Heartbleed HEIF Hello Weather Help Scout Hex Fiend HEY HFS+ Hibari Hide My Bar High Dynamic Range (HDR) HipHop Virtual Machine (HHVM) Hiring History HockeyApp HockeyCoach Home.app Homecoming for Mastodon HomeKit HomePod Home Sharing Honey Hong Kong Hook Hopper Hopscotch Hotline Hotmail Hot Tub HoudahSpot Hours App How to Design Programs (HTDP) HP HTC HTML HTML5 HTTP Huawei Hulu Humane Humor Hydra HyperCard Hypercritical Hypo iAd iA Presenter iA Writer iBeacon iBeer IBM iBook iBooks iBooks Author iBooks Store iCab iCal Ice Cubes iChat iCloud iCloud+ iCloud Drive iCloud Keychain iCloud Music Library iCloud Photo Library iCloud Private Relay iCloud Shared Photo Library iComics Icons Icon Slate ICQ iDefrag iDOS iDraw Id Software iDVD iExplorer iFood IFTTT IKEA Illuminate iMac iMac Pro Image Capture ImageMagick ImageOptim Image Playground Image Studio IMAP iMazing iMessage Immich iMovie Impression In-App Purchase InDesign India Inoreader Insight Timer Instacast Instagram Installer Instant Hotspot Instapaper Instruments Integer Overflow Intego IntegrityChecker Intel Intel Atom Interact Interactive Disassembler (IDA) Interface Builder Intermission International Components for Unicode (ICU) Internet Archive Internet Explorer Internet Service Provider (ISP) Interprocess Communication (IPC) Interview Intuit Invidious Iomega iOS iOS 1 iOS 2 iOS 4 iOS 5 iOS 6 iOS 7 iOS 8 iOS 9 iOS 10 iOS 11 iOS 12 iOS 13 iOS 14 iOS 15 iOS 16 iOS 17 iOS 18 iOS App iOS Apps on macOS iOS Beta iOS Console iOS Multitasking iOS Release iOS Widgets iPad iPad Air iPad Air 2 iPad mini iPadOS iPadOS 13 iPadOS 14 iPadOS 15 iPadOS 16 iPadOS 17 iPadOS 18 iPadOS Beta iPadOS Release iPad Pro iPartition iPhone iPhone 4 iPhone 4S iPhone 5 iPhone 5c iPhone 5s iPhone 6 iPhone 6 Plus iPhone 6s iPhone 6s Plus iPhone 7 iPhone 7 Plus iPhone 8 iPhone 8 Plus iPhone 11 iPhone 11 Pro iPhone 11 Pro Max iPhone 12 iPhone 12 mini iPhone 12 Pro iPhone 12 Pro Max iPhone 13 iPhone 13 mini iPhone 13 Pro iPhone 13 Pro Max iPhone 14 iPhone 14 Plus iPhone 14 Pro iPhone 14 Pro Max iPhone 15 iPhone 15 Plus iPhone 15 Pro iPhone 15 Pro Max iPhone 16 iPhone 16 Plus iPhone 16 Pro iPhone 16 Pro Max iPhone 18 Pro iPhone Case iPhone Dock iPhone Mirroring iPhone SE iPhone SE 4 iPhone SE 2020 iPhone SE 2022 iPhone X iPhone XR iPhone XS iPhone XS Max iPhoto iPhoto Library Manager iPod iPod Hi-Fi iPod mini iPod nano iPod shuffle iPod touch iPulse Iran Ireland iSH iSight iStat Menus iSwift iSync Italy Itch.io iTools iTunes iTunes Connect iTunes Connect Sandbox Testers iTunes Extras iTunes LP iTunes Match iTunes Radio iTunes Store iTunes U Ivory iVPN iWeb iWork Jabra Jailbreak Japan JATemplate‎ Java JavaScript JavaScript for Automation Jawbone JBIG2 Jeff Bezos Jef Raskin Jenkins Jettison JIRA JMAP Job John Browett John Carmack John Sculley Jonathan Ive Journal JPEG JPEG XL jQuery JSErrorStackTrace JSON JSON Feed junit Juno Just-In-Time Compilation (JIT) Kagi Kagi Search Kalamata Kaleidoscope KeePass Kernel Kernel Extensions Kernel Panic Key-Value Coding (KVC) Key-Value Observing (KVO) Keyb Keyboard Keyboard Cowboy Keyboard Maestro Keyboard Shortcuts Keychain Keynote Kickstarter Kid Pix Kiln Kimi Kindle Kindle Fire Knitrino Knots 3D Kobo Kodak Kolide Konfabulator Kotlin Programming Language Kubernetes kvdb kvdbo Language-Integrated Query (LINQ) Language Design Language Translation Larry Page Lasso LassPass LastPass LaTeX LatherApp LaunchBar Launch Center Pro LaunchControl LaunchCuts launchd Launcher Launchify Launchpad Launch Services Lavabit Law Enforcement Lawsuit Layoffs Leaf Legal Lemon Squeezy Lenovo Let’s Encrypt Letterpress LevelDB Lexmark LG LiDAR Scanner lidx Life360 Lightbox Lightning Linea LinkBuds LinkedIn LinkShare Linktree Link Unshortener Linode Linux Lisa Lisp ListBook Little Snitch Live Activities Live Activity Live Photos Live Text LLaMA LLDB LLILC LLVM Localization Localization Suite Lockdown Lockdown Mode LockFlow Lock Screen Lodsys Logic Pro X Login Items Logitech Log Leech Logo Logo Programming Language Lookmark Loom Loopback Lost Cities Lua Lucasfilm Lucene LuLu Luminar Luminary Luna Display Lunatic Fringe Lux Orion Lyft LZFSE m M7 Mac MacAddict Mac App MacApp Framework Mac App Store MacAuthor MacBook MacBook Air macbook po MacBook Pro Mac Developer Journal MacDraw Pro MacFUSE Mach Kernel MachO-Explorer MachOView Mac IIsi Macintosh Portable Macintosh Programmer’s Workshop (MPW) MacKeeper Mac mini Mac OS 8 Mac OS 9 macOS 10.12 Sierra macOS 10.13 High Sierra macOS 10.14 Mojave macOS 10.15 Catalina macOS 11.0 Big Sur macOS 12 Monterey macOS 13 Ventura macOS 14 macOS 14 Sonoma macOS 15 Sequoia macOS Beta macOS Containers macOS Recovery macOS Release macOS Widgets Mac OS X 10.0 Cheetah Mac OS X 10.1 Puma Mac OS X 10.2 Jaguar Mac OS X 10.3 Panther Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard Mac OS X 10.7 Lion Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite Mac OS X 10.11 El Capitan Mac OS X DP 3 Mac OS X Server Mac OS X Versions MacPaint Mac Pro MacQuisition Macromedia Macros MacSpeech Scribe Mac Studio MacTech MacUpdate MacUpdater MacUser UK Mac Virtual Display Macworld MacWrite Maelstrom Maestral Magazine Magic Keyboard Magic Keyboard for iPad Magic Lasso Adblock Magic Mouse Magic Trackpad Magnet MagSafe Mail App Extensions Mail Archiver Mailbutler MailChimp Mail Drop MailForge Mailgun Mailing Lists Mailman MailMate MailMaven Mailsmith MailSuite MailTags Mail to Self Make Malware MAME4iOS Man Pages Manual App Manufacturing Manuscript Map Kit MapQuest Maps Marathon Marissa Mayer Markdown Marked Marketing Marketshare MarsEdit Marvis Mastercard Mastodon MatchBook Materials Math Mathematica MathJax MathML Math Notes Max Inspect MD5 Measure.app Medium Meetup Melio Mellel Memory Management Menu Bar Mercurial Mercury Weather Message Passing Messages.app Messages in iCloud Meta Metadata MetaFilter Metal MetaTools Metrowerks mg Micecraft Micro.blog Microphone MicroProse MicroSD Microsoft Microsoft Azure Microsoft Band Microsoft BASIC Microsoft Defender Microsoft Edge Microsoft Excel Microsoft Exchange Microsoft Flight Simulator Microsoft FrontPage Microsoft Office Microsoft OneDrive Microsoft Outlook Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft Surface Microsoft Teams Microsoft Visual Studio Microsoft Word Microsoft xCloud Midjourney Mighty Migration Assistant Mimeo Photos MindNode Minecraft Mini vMac Mint Mint.com Mints Mission Control Mission Control Plus MIST MMWormhole Mobile Device Management (MDM) MobileMail MobileMe MobileSafari Mobivention Model-View-Controller (MVC) Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) Model Checking Modern CSV mogenerator Mojo Programming Language momcom momdec Momento Mona Monarch Money Money.app MoneyWell MongoDB Monodraw Monument Valley Moom Mosaic Motif MotionX-GPS Mouse Movable Type Movie Movies Anywhere Movist Mozilla MP3 MS-DOS MsgFiler MS Paint Multipeer Connectivity Multiple Displays MuseScore Musi Music Music.app Music Memos My-Cast MyCommerce MyFitnessPal MySpace MySQL Myst Myth Namecheap NameDrop Name Mangler Namespaces National Security Agency (NSA) Native App NativeConnect Natural Language Translation NBA Near-Field Communication (NFC) Nest Nest Cam Nest Protect Netbot Netflix Netherlands NetNewsWire Netscape NetSpot Network-Attached Storage (NAS) Network Extensions Networking Network Neutrality Network Utility Newegg Newsbar NewsBlur News Explorer NewsGator NewsLife Newsstand NewsWave Newton Newton OS NewtonScript NeXT NEXTSTEP Night Shift Ninjawords Nintendo Nintendo 3DS Nintype Nisus Writer Pro Node.js Nokia Non-Fungible Token (NFT) Nook Norton Utilities NoSQL nostr Notability Notarization Notes Nothing Chats Notification Center Nova Now Utilities NSArray NSDateFormatter NSDictionary NSError NSO Group NSProgress Nuance Numbers.app NVIDIA O’Reilly Media Oak OAuth Objection Objective-C Objective-C++ Objective-C Runtime Objective-Smalltalk Obscura OCaml OCMock OkCupid OmniDiskSweeper OmniFocus OmniGraffle OmniGraphSketcher OmniKeyMaster OMNI Magazine OmniOutliner OmniPlan OmniPresence OmniWeb Onavo Protect OneShot OnyX open Open-source Software OpenAI OpenBSD OpenDoc OpenGL Open In OpenOffice opensnoop Open Source OpenSSL OpenStreetMap OpenTable OpenType Opera OPML Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Optic ID Optimization Oracle Orion Orion AR Glasses OS/2 os_log otool Outage Outliner Overcast ownCloud Pacifist Paddle Pages.app Pagesmith Pagi PaintCode Pair Networks Palm Pandoc Pandora Panic Panic Sync Panorama X Paper Paper.app Paper by Facebook Papers, Please Parallels Parcel Parental Controls Parler Parse Parser PARStore Pascal Passkeys Passwords PasswordWallet Paste Pasteboard Pastebot Pastel Patents Path Finder Pathways into Darkness Patreon Paw Payments PayPal PCalc PDF PDF Expert PDF Office PDFpen PDFpen Scan+ PDP-1 Peace Peakto Pebble Pedometer++ Peloton PenLite Performance Horizon Group Performance Horizon Group (PHG) Perl Permute Perplexity Personal Hotspot Personal Voice Petey Phil Schiller Phishing Phone.app PhoneView PhotoCard Photo Grabbr Photography PhotoKit Photomator PhotoReviewer Photos.app Photoshop Elements Photosmith Photo Stream Photos Workbench PHP Piezo PimEyes Pinball Construction Set Pinboard Pinpoint Pinterest Pinwheel Piracy Pixar Pixel Buds Pixelmator Pixelmator Photo Pkl Programming Language PlainText.app Planet of the Apps Playdate PLCrashReporter Pleco PlusCal PNG Pocket Pocket Casts Podcasts Poe (Platform for Open Exploration) PolyCapture PonoMusic PonoPlayer POP PopChar PopClip Pop Out Timer Postbox Postfix PostgreSQL PostScript Power Powerbeats PowerBook PowerMail PowerPC PowerPhotos PPSSPP Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) Preview.app Price Drop Monitor for Amazon Printing Privacy Privacy Manifests Private Access Tokens Private API Private Cloud Compute Private Internet Access (PIA) Privileges.app Probability ProCam ProCamera Processors Procreate Pocket Prodigy Pro Display XDR Productivity Programming Prolog ProMotion Prompt Proton Drive ProtonMail Proton VPN Provenance Proxyman PSPDFKit Pure Paste Push Notifications PyCharm PyObjC Python Pythonista Qi Charging qmail QNX QR Codes Qt QTKit Quake Qualcomm Quantus Tasks QuarkXPress Quartz Quartz Composer Quartz Debug QuickBooks QuickDraw QuickDraw GX Quicken Quick Look Quicksort QuickTake QuickTime Quora Rabby Wallet RaceSplitter Racket Radar and Feedback Assistant RagTime Rain Rain RAM Random Numbers Randy Wigginton Rapid Security Response RapidWeaver Raspberry Pi Raw Image Format RAW Power Raycast Razer RB App Checker Lite Rclone rcmd ReactiveCocoa React Native Readdle Calendars Readdle Spark Reader Rabbit ReadKit Realm RealNetworks RealOne Player RECaf Rectangle Redacted Reddit Red Hat Redis Reeder Refactoring RegEx Knife Regular Expression reMarkable Tablet Reminders Remote.app Remotion Request for Comments (RFC) Resale RescueTime ResearchKit ResEdit ResForge Resilio Sync Resource Fork Rest in Peace reStructuredText Retcon Retina RetinaCapture RetroArch Retrobatch Retrospect Reveal App RevenueCat Rezycle RFID Rhapsody Richard Feynman Rich Communication Services (RCS) Rich Text Format (RTF) Ring Ringtone RISC Rise RiverNews Rivian Road Trip Robinhood Roblox Roboto RocketStor Rockstar Consortium Rogue Amoeba Roku Rollout Ron Johnson rooSwitch Rosetta Roslyn R Programming Language RSS RSSowl rsync Ruby RubyMotion Ruby on Rails Rumor Runestone Russia Rust Programming Language RXCollections‎ RxJava S3 Files S3 Pro Safari Safari Extensions Safety Check Salesforce Samsung Samsung Galaxy Fold Samsung Galaxy Note Sandboxing Sandvox Sapling Sarahah Scala Scanbot Pro Scanner Scanner Pro Scene Kit Scheme Programming Language Science Scott Forstall ScreenFloat Screen Recording Screens Screensaver Screen Sharing ScreenSharingMenulet Screenshots Screen Time Scriptarian Script Debugger Scrivener SCStringsUtility SD Notary SeaNav US Search SearchGPT Search Kit Searchpath.io SeaTurtle Secrets Secure Boot Secure Enclave SecureSafe Secure ShellFish Secure Transport Security Security Scoped Bookmarks sed Sega SELF Selfoss Sender Policy Framework (SPF) Sendy Sennheiser Sensor Tower Server Server Message Block (SMB) Servo Setapp SF Symbols SFTP sfts SHA-1 Shareful SharePlay Shark Shazam Shellshock Shipping Shopify Shopping Shortcuts Short Message Service (SMS) Sidecar Sideloading Side Mirror Sid Meierʼs Civilization Signal Signed System Volume (SSV) Sign In with Apple SignMyPad Silent Knight Sim Genie Simperium Simplenote SimpleText Simulator Sip Siri Sketch Skeuomorphism Skim SkyDrive Skype Slack Sleep Sleep Aid Sleep Mode Slender Slingbox Slopes Sloth Smalltalk SmartBackup SMTP SmugMug Snapchat SnappyCam Snowflake Weather Software Rewrite Software Update Solid-State Drive (SSD) Sonar Sonos Sonuby Sony Sony PlayStation Soulver SoundCloud SoundJam MP SoundSource SourceForge SourceTree South Korea Soverain Spaces SpaceX Spain Spam SpamSieve Spark Inspector Sparkle SparkPost Specifications Spect Spectre Camera Speech Recognition Speech Synthesis SpellCatcher Sponsor Spotify Spotlight Spreadsheet Springboard.app Sprint SQL SQLite Square Squarespace SSH SSL/TLS Stable Diffusion Stack Overflow Stack Ranking Stadium Stage Manager Standard Template Library (STL) StandBy Starbucks Starlink Startup Security Utility Stattoo Status Board Status Magic Steam SteamOS SteerMouse Steve Jobs Steve Wozniak Stickies Sticky Stitcher STM Jacket D7 Stock Stocketa Stocks StopTheFonts StopTheMadness StopTheNews StopTheScript StopTheTwitter Storage Strategy Tax Strava Strawhorse Streaks StreamToMe Stringify Stripe StrongSync Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (SICP) Studio Display StuffIt SubEthaEdit Sublime Merge Sublime Text Substack Subversion sudo Sudoku Sunlit Sun Microsystems Sunrise Sunset Sunstroke SuperDuper Superhuman Susan Kare Sushi SUS Inspector Suspicious Package SVG SwiftBar Swift Charts Swift Codable Swift Concurrency SwiftData Swiftify SwiftKey SwiftNIO Swift Playgrounds Swift Programming Language Swift Runtime SwiftUI SwipeSelection SwitchUp Switzerland SWRoute Swype Synalyze It Syncing Synk Synology Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets (Sass) System 6 System 7 System Events System Integrity Protection System Preferences System Services SystHist T-Mobile T/Maker Taiwan Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) Taligent Talon Tapestry Taptic Engine Tap to Pay Taska TaskPaper Taxamo Taxatio Taxes Tcl/Tk TCP TeachText TeamViewer Tech Support TechTool Pro Telegram Television Tencent TensorFlow Terminal Terminology App Terra Programming Language Tesla TestFlight Testing Tetris TeX Textastic TextBar TextEdit Text Editor TextExpander TextGrabber Text Kit Textlicious TextMate TextWrangler The Information The Learning Company The Media The New Yorker The New York Times The Omni Group The Oregon Trail Thermal TheTimeMachineMechanic (T2M2) Things Think C ThinkTank This Blog Threads Threes Thunderbird Thunderbolt Tidal TidBITS TikTok Tile Tim Cook Time Time Capsule Time Machine Time Out Timery TimeStory Time Tracking Timeular Timing timing.is Tinder Tinderbox Tiny Tiny RSS TLA+ Tokenizer Tokens Tony Fadell Toolbox Pro Toot ToothFairy Top Posts Tor Tot ToTok Touch Bar touchHLE Touch ID Trackpad Trade Dress Trademark Transfer Toolbox Translate.app Translator Translit Keyboard Transmission Transmit Transparency Consent and Control (TCC) Transpiler Travel Treehouse Trello Trickster TripMode True Tone Tumblr Tumult Hype TurboTax TV.app tvOS tvOS 16 tvOS 17 tvOS 18 tvOS App tvOS Release TV Show Tweaks for Twitter Tweetbot TweetDeck Tweetie Tweet Library Tweet Nest Twitch TwitPic Twitter Twitterrific Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) TypeIt4Me Typhoon Typography Uber Ubisoft UDP UI Browser Ukraine Ultra Accessory Connector (UAC) Ulysses Unauthorized Repair Underflow Underpass Undo Unhidden Unicode Uniform Type Identifier Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) Unison Unite United Kingdom United States Postal Service Unity Universal Control Universal Links Unix Unread App Unreal Unreal Engine Unsplash Uptime Robot URL USB USB-C Usenet Usher UTM Valve Vanilla Vapor VAX vBulletin Venmo Verizon Verse Programming Language Version Control VersionTracker VESA Vesper Vexl VHS vi Viable Video Vidimote ViDL Vienna RSS Vietnam ViewSonic Vigil Vim Vimeo Vinegar VirnetX VirtualBox VirtualBuddy VirtualHostX Pro Virtualization Virtual Network Computing (VNC) Virtual Private Network (VPN) Virtual Reality (VR) VirusBarrier VisiCalc visionOS visionOS 1 visionOS 2 visionOS App visionOS Release Visi Programming Language Visual Basic.NET Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) Visual Studio Visual Studio App Center Visual Studio Code Visual Voicemail Vitals.app Vivaldi Vivio Vivlio Vizio VLC VMS VMware Voice Control Voice Dream Reader Voice Memos VoiceOver Voodoo Pad Voyager S3 Vudu VueScan Wacom Wallaroo Wallet Wallpaper Walmart Warp Wasabi Wasabi Sync WatchKit watchOS watchOS 5 watchOS 9 watchOS 10 watchOS 11 watchOS 12 watchOS App watchOS Beta watchOS Release Watermark Water Resistance Waymo Weather Weather.app Weathergraph WeatherKit Weather Line Weather Strip Web Web API WebAssembly Web bugs WebCode Web Confidential Web Content Blocking Web Crawlers Web Distribution of iOS Apps Webex WebGL WebKit WebObjects WebP WeChat Western Digital wget What’s Open WhatsApp Whisk Whoosh Wi-Fi Widgetsmith WiFi Explorer WiFi Signal Wikipedia Win32 Windmill Windows Windows 3 Windows 8 Windows 10 Windows 11 Windows App Windows NT Windows Phone Windows Store Windows Vista Wine WinFS Wink Wireless Diagnostics Wise Witch Wix WKWebView Wolfenstein 3D Wolfram Alpha Wolfram Language Wordbox Wordle WordPerfect WordPress Word Processing Workflow App Working Working Copy Workout WorkOutDoors Workshelf WorldWideWeb WP Engine WriteNow WriteRoom Writing Writing Tools WWDC Xbox Xbox 360 Xbox One Xcode Xcode Cloud xed Xero Xerox xkcd XLIFF XML Xojo XPC xScope Xtrail X Window System xxd Yahoo Yahoo Mail Yahoo Weather YAML Yandex YapDatabase Yelp Yoink Yojimbo YouTube youtube-dl Zappos Zendesk ZFS Zig Programming Language ZIP Archive Zoom Zopfli zsh

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