Archive for June 16, 2022

Thursday, June 16, 2022

tvOS 16 Announced

José Adorno:

The company talked during the WWDC 2022 keynote all about iOS 16, iPadOS 16, macOS 13 Ventura, and watchOS 9, but not a single word about tvOS 16.


While other operating systems have their own preview page, Apple TV’s software doesn’t. This is what we could find thanks to the release notes, developers, and more.

Joe Rosensteel:

[This] year’s WWDC announcements regarding tvOS lack any meaningful changes, and more importantly, communicate nothing about where the platform is going.


Digging deeper in to the WWDC videos on Apple’s site there’s a 24 minute-long session about designing video interfaces. It’s for iOS and iPadOS, not for tvOS. The tvOS playing experience is only referenced to explain where the title and subtitle elements came from[…] Metadata being exposed for title and subtitle is fine, but season and episode number have to be encoded into those strings by the developer, there’s nothing in the player that pulls that from a sidecar or metadata file, or any design opinion from Apple over how to format such information for consistency.


The thing that I’ve found that’s the most exciting? Developers can proactively restore an in-app purchase. This was a complaint I had when setting up my Apple TV 4K last year, where none of the in-app purchases, and subscriptions, migrated over. That that is what I’m most excited about either means I’m very boring or the list of features is very boring.


What company, and what developer, is going to argue in favor of ripping out the custom players they’ve spent years building for something that doesn’t help their own interests? There isn’t even a reason for consumers to ask for AVPlayerView, because it might be a more consistent player if it was implemented everywhere, but it isn’t a better player. The benefit of implementing AVPlayerKit is mainly for Apple, not for anyone else.


Rapid Security Response

Howard Oakley:

One of the more enigmatic features announced for Ventura [and iOS 16] is Rapid Security Response (RSR), described as:

Get important security improvements to your devices even faster. This isn’t a standard software update. These improvements can be applied automatically between normal updates — without a restart.


The only practical way is to install those patches outside the SSV. macOS already does this for some of its bundled components, such as Safari, which has been installed on the Data volume, together with components which are changed with security data updates, such as XProtect data and MRT.

However, the Data volume isn’t a good place to keep patches to sensitive parts of macOS.


The cryptex (CRYPTographically-sealed EXtension) additional images are stored in DMGs and are an extension of an existing volume. There are two cryptex images present on Apple OSes being released this fall, App and OS.


As macOS Ventura only supports machines with AVX2, the x86_64 and arm64e dyld shared caches are no longer present on macOS installations for Intel processors, as they are unused there. Apple Silicon installations will also not get an unused x86_64h slice anymore.


As such, this design allows to save hard disk space in addition of allowing components to be updatable without breaking the seal for the system volume.


A new BootPolicy element, spih, representing the Cryptex1 Image4 Hash was added in macOS Ventura. This makes the Cryptex hashes part of the Secure Boot trust chain.


Update (2022-09-14): Juli Clover:

By default, Rapid Security Responses are installed automatically, but Apple has implemented a way to remove them.

Update (2022-11-02): Apple:

In a future update to iOS 16, iPadOS 16.1, and macOS 13, Apple will add a mechanism for shipping security fixes to users more frequently. These responses are included in any ensuing minor update (not upgrade) and, on a Mac, update content appears on the Preboot volume (through symbolic links in /System/Cryptexes/).

Update (2023-07-25): Thomas Clement:

About the rapid security responses, you can’t have them set to just ‘check for updates’. Either it’s enabled and it will auto-install or it’s disabled and you will never hear about it 🤔


Brett Ohland:

Apple’s modern Swift replacement system for Formatter is a set of protocols: FormatStyle and ParseableFormatStyle. The former handles the conversion to strings, and the latter strings to data.


The most direct way of parsing a string into it’s respective data type is to create an instance of a ParseableFormatStyle that’s set up to understand the structure of the incoming string. From there you access it’s parseStrategy property, and call the parse() method on it.

This is a bit cumbersome, so Apple has included custom initializers onto each of the supported data types that take the string and either a ParseableFormatStyle or a ParseStrategy instance to do the parsing. What’s interesting is that Apple includes initializers that can accept any input type, as long as you provide a ParseStrategy that informs the type how to parse it. Aren’t constrained generics neat?


New for iOS 16, you can now parse URLs using this exact manner[…]


Apple Reneged on OCSP Privacy

Jeffrey Paul:

In the current version of macOS, Monterey, on every system update on a system containing an M1 chip, such as all the new shiny/fast ARM (“Apple Silicon”) macs, the update process phones home to Apple to obtain a special boot signature, known in Apple jargon as a “ticket”.

Jeff Johnson:

In response to the Mac OCSP appocalypse [with Big Sur], Apple promised several changes.


The first change was accomplished: macOS switched from using the unencrypted http service to the new encrypted https service.


The third change, a new preference for users to opt out, is still nowhere to be found, not even in the new macOS 13 Ventura beta. The System Preferences app itself has been redesigned and renamed on Ventura, yet the promised new preference is missing, more than a year and half after Apple made these promises.


Update (2022-06-17): See also: Hacker News.