Archive for July 3, 2023

Monday, July 3, 2023

S3 Files 2023.1

Anders Borum:

Today I’m launching S3 Files, a client for S3 compatible storage inside the Files app, share sheet, shortcuts and the Finder on Mac.

It’s a universal app that costs $14.99 (lifetime) or $2.99 monthly:

Our innovative “Smart Upload” feature allows you to use the share sheet and services menu for efficient uploads. Remembering the target directory for each file type, this feature guarantees swift and efficient uploads of files & folders.

With extensive S3 compatibility, our app works effortlessly with platforms like AWS S3, BackBlaze B2, CloudFlare R2, Digital Ocean Spaces, MinIO, Wasabi, and more.

Our “Controlled Sharing” feature lets you generate shareable links for others to view & download files with the option to limit access up to 7 days.


Update (2023-08-10): Anders Borum:

Objects in Glacier or Glacier Deep Archive have a small icon in Finder/Files app and can be restored from context menu.

Zig Proposal to Drop LLVM

Loris Cro and Andrew Kelley (in 2020):

In the early days, Zig was but a thin frontend in front of LLVM. This was instrumental for getting started quickly and filling in gaps of Andrew’s knowledge as a compiler developer. Now, the training wheels of the bicycle are coming off, and LLVM is transitioning into an optional component.


The move to a self-hosted compiler for Zig has similar advantages for the core contributors, but it also makes LLVM an optional dependency, increases compilation speed (instead of losing it), and adds an amazing feature for debug builds of your code: incremental compilation with in-place binary patching, another unique Zig feature.

Andrew Kelley (via Hacker News):

This issue is to fully eliminate LLVM, Clang, and LLD libraries from the Zig project.


In exchange, Zig gains these benefits:

  • All our bugs are belong to us.
  • The compiler becomes trivial to build from source and to bootstrap with only a C compiler on the host system.
  • We stop dealing with annoying problems introduced by Linux distributions and package managers such as Homebrew related to LLVM, Clang, and LLD. There have been and continue to be many.
  • The Zig compiler binary goes from about 150 MiB to 5 MiB.
  • Compilation speed is increased by orders of magnitude.
  • We can implement our own optimization passes that push the state of the art of computing forward.
  • We can attract research projects such as alive2
  • We can attract direct contributions from Intel, ARM, RISC-V chip manufacturers, etc., who have a vested interest in making our machine code better on their CPUs.

At least initially, Zig would lose support for C++ and Objective-C, along with less popular architectures.

Aryan Ebrahimpour (via Hacker News):

The Zig programming language has garnered considerable attention as a new systems programming language, positioning itself as the better C. But how does Zig achieve this? In this blog post, our aim is to examine some of the issues associated with C and explore how Zig intends to address them.


Apple Resisting Further Changes to Anti-Steering Rules

Stephanie Bodoni:

Apple Inc. is set for a showdown with European Union antitrust regulators, insisting it doesn’t need to make any more changes to its App Store after it was hit by formal charges over its treatment of music streaming rivals such as Spotify Technology SA.


Apple considers it already addressed any possible competition concerns over the past two years with changes that create a fair balance between the interests of Apple and app developers[…]


Spotify says that Apple’s anti-steering rules prohibit it and other developers “from telling consumers about any deals or promotions through their own apps.”

“These rules still exist today and Apple’s supposed changes in fact change nothing at all and are just for show,” Spotify said in a statement.


Update (2023-07-07): Juli Clover:

Spotify has not allowed customers to sign up for a Spotify Premium subscription through the App Store for the last seven years. App Store Spotify subscriptions were in fact only available for a two-year period between 2014 and 2016, but some longtime subscribers have continued to pay for Spotify through the App Store since that time.

In emails to customers, Spotify says that it is no longer accepting Apple’s billing service as a payment method.

Twitter Now Requires Logging In

Jess Weatherbed:

If you currently try to access Twitter without logging in to your user account, you’ll be unable to see any of the content that was previously available to the wider public. Instead, you’ll meet a Twitter window that asks you to either sign in to the platform or create a new account, effectively blocking you from viewing tweets and user profiles or browsing through threads unless you’re a registered Twitter user.


Twitter owner Elon Musk tweeted, claiming in a reply that the change is a “Temporary emergency measure,” blaming “data pillaging” for degrading the service for all users.

Amanda Silberling (Hacker News):

Like many of Twitter’s recent changes, this could easily backfire. If tweets aren’t publicly accessible, search engine algorithms could rank the site’s content lower, meaning that fewer people would be directed to the site from Google. Also, it’s just kind of annoying.

It also breaks Nitter, which is what I was using to get RSS feeds, since I don’t want to use the official client or Web site. I may check now and then to see if there’s anything interesting at the top of my timeline, but it’s no longer practical for me to be a completionist.

Ivan Mehta:

Over the weekend, Elon Musk limited the number of tweets users can read in a day, which he said was to prevent data scraping. While this measure has affected all Twitter users, TweetDeck users in particular are today reporting major problems, including notifications and entire columns failing to load.

Musk initially enforced read-limits of 6,000 daily posts for verified users and 600 daily posts for unverified users. Hours later, he increased these limits to 10,000 tweets and 1,000 tweets, respectively. Given that TweetDeck loads up multiple tweets through various columns simultaneously, it’s likely that the effects of the read restrictions are amplified within TweetDeck.

John Gruber:

The bigger, more fundamental change Musk instituted over the weekend is making it such that tweets aren’t visible unless you’re logged in to a Twitter account. This broke all sorts of things. Messaging apps (like Apple’s Messages) can no longer render preview cards for tweets, for one thing. Closer to home, it broke the @daringfireball auto-posting account. More amusingly, as documented by Sheldon Chang, this change completely broke Twitter itself — some part of the Rube Goldberg-ian machine that assembles users’ timeline feeds was itself subjected to these rate limits, so Twitter wound up DDOSing itself. It’s like a gasoline company instituting rations that stranded its own fleet of tanker trucks.


Now it’s a walled garden, like most of Facebook, available only to logged-in users. I suspect this change will prevent the Internet Archive from caching tweets, too. That just sucks.


Update (2023-07-06): Craig Hockenberry:

Take a moment and sign out of Twitter. I had no idea what was really going on until I did that (browser cookies from Twitter 1.0 were still around).

Now I see that 17 years of content I’ve generated has vanished from the public Internet.

Christopher Mackay:

People who spent years building websites that regularly linked-out to Twitter — now full of effectively dead links.

Update (2023-07-13): Stefan Labbé (via Hacker News):

A B.C. government Twitter account updating residents about driving conditions reached its tweet limit on a weekend it was sharing information about wildfire evacuations.


“It's kind of the end of public alerting through social media,” said Ryan Reynolds, an emergency preparedness consultant with Resilience Mapping Canada.

“These limits basically mean that we can't distribute that information quickly and easily at any scale.”