What’s New in Swift 5.3
SE-0279 [multiple trailing closures] is one of the most debated new proposal.
Enum types don’t have to explicitly implement the Comparable protocol thanks to SE-0266.
SE-0269 aka. Increase availability of implicit self in @escaping closures when reference cycles are unlikely to occur is a nice addition for those who don’t like to write self. 🧐
SE-0270 adds a
type for representing multiple, noncontiguous ranges, as well as a variety of collection operations for creating and working with range sets.[…]
SE-0263 adds a new
initializer that allows you to work with an uninitialized buffer.
See also: Paul Hudson.
The new APIs in SE-0270 (RangeSet) are going to bake a bit longer and likely won’t be part of Swift 5.3. They are still in the Standard Library preview package.