Archive for December 21, 2018

Friday, December 21, 2018

Transitioning Capo to Subscriptions


While other companies may require all their existing paid customers to subscribe in order to get future updates, we instead decided that none of our existing customers should require a subscription! Slowly, we hope to earn each one of your subscriptions by continuing to deliver great updates to the features you have, and by introducing exciting, subscriber-only features that (we hope) will be difficult for you to pass up.

I guess they’re doing this by looking at the purchase date in the Mac App Store receipt.

Previously: Productivity Apps and Subscription Pricing.

iMazing Leaves Setapp

Jason Snell:

A few Six Colors readers have pointed out that Setapp, the Mac app subscription service, has sent out an email indicating that the iPhone management utility iMazing will be leaving the service as of Dec. 27.

iMazing looks really neat. I didn’t realize it was possible for a third-party app to make wireless iPhone backups.


When you go, new users (and users who haven’t installed your app) cannot access your app anymore. However, those users who have already installed your app and use it, may continue doing so until they personally uninstall it. You continue receiving your share in revenue from these users, but stop getting the 20% Partner fee.

Amazon Sends Alexa Voice Recordings to a Random Person

Tara Seals (Hacker News):

In August, an Amazon customer in Germany (going by the alias “Martin Schneider” for purposes of the report) made use of his rights under the recently passed EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) to ask for copies of the personal data Amazon has on file about him.

Amazon complied, sending Schneider a 100MB ZIP file which, among other things, contained about 1,700 Alexa audio files along with transcripts of Alexa voice commands. There was just one problem – Schneider doesn’t use Alexa. After listening to a few of the files, they were clearly of someone else speaking, so he concluded that Amazon sent him the data in error. But Amazon didn’t respond to his efforts to contact them about the problem, he said, so he contacted Heise Media’s c’t publication in mid-November.


“Using these files, it was fairly easy to identify the person involved and his female companion; weather queries, first names, and even someone’s last name enabled us to quickly zero in on his circle of friends,” according to the report. “Public data from Facebook and Twitter rounded out the picture.”

It’s great to have the right to see data that’s stored about you, but on the other hand I would feel safer if the policy were to never send the data to anyone.