Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Picture This Clothing and App Tracking Transparency

Jamie Finney (via Daniel Jalkut):

Along with a massive drop in sales, the little hits keep coming. In August, there were updates to the costs involved with shipping overseas that caused us to stop all overseas shipping for the foreseeable future.

Removing overseas sales is a big deal for a small shop like ours. As much as I wish we weren’t dependent upon social media in terms of people learning about us, we are. And we have seen a drop in sales and social engagement like never before since the iOS 15 Apple ad opt-in release.


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But this is about shipping costs, not app tracking transparency, no?

>I never thought about it affecting small biz like this.

Sigh. People have repeatedly been told about this. SME are going to suffer. Instead we live in a world of bumble where HN and twitter both feedback into themselves as all ads are bad. This is Tech being Tech. Not understanding anything in the world apart from their domain.

@ Ksec: first, Daniel Jalkut himself runs a small business. And second, "all ads are bad" is a strawman; the argument is about tracking, not ads. You can run ads without being creepy.

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