Friday, June 1, 2018

Halide: One Year Later

Ben Sandofsky (tweet):

For indie developers, a healthy way to look at profits is opportunity cost. If you took the hours spent on your own app and applied those toward freelancing, would you make more money?

We’re lucky to have no such dilema. Our launch immediately recouped the year of development costs. Our monthly revenue absolutely beats freelancing, and justifies ongoing development. Halide has a bright future ahead.


We launched at $2.99, and later bumped the price to $4.99. Last month, we increased the price to $5.99, which is in-line with other camera apps. Price changes have had no significant impact on profit.

I like the app, but (due to iOS limitations) there’s no way to access it from the lock screen or Control Center, and it doesn’t support HDR.

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[…] Previously: Halide: One Year Later. […]

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