Monday, July 8, 2024

Ivory 2.0

Niléane Dorffer:

Now, in the app’s redesigned Hashtags tab, you can create a list that contains up to four hashtags, and you can even exclude specific hashtags if you’re looking to fine-tune the resulting timeline.


The other big improvement in Ivory 2.0 is its redesigned share sheet extension for creating posts. It is now fully-featured, with the ability to set the post’s visibility and language, as well as an option to add alternative text descriptions to shared images and videos. When sharing a URL, the share sheet will now show a preview of the link card that will appear as part of your post.

With no way to turn off Universal Links, I still can’t use the Mac version because whenever I work on a document that includes a Mastodon link it will open in Ivory instead of in my browser.


6 Comments RSS · Twitter · Mastodon

This doesn’t feel like a 2.0 release only because there has been such a steady stream of features added since the initial release. This app is so well done.

> With no way to turn off Universal Links, I still can’t use the Mac version because whenever I work on a document that includes a Mastodon link it will open in Ivory instead of in my browser.

Can't you drag the link onto Safari's icon?

@Marcos Yes, but that’s not turning off the feature. It’s manually working around it every single time I want to access a link.

@Michael On iOS, when right clicking and selecting “open link” makes it open in the browser and remember it for future links of the same domain. Maybe it works in macOS too?

@Leo That does not work on macOS, and in fact the Open Link command will open it in Ivory, too. Open in New Tab will open it in Safari but not remember.

I wonder where the database for this is stored. Perhaps it is possible to nudge it one way or another.

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