Friday, May 10, 2024

Black Screen and Broken Shutter Button


This is about to drive me crazy, whenever I capture a snapshot, when I press the camera, sometimes a black screen pops up and this doesn’t go away, I can’t shoot anything, I have to go in and out of the camera again.

There are two really annoying iOS camera bugs, which I’ve been meaning to write about for years:

Update (2024-05-20): Mike Rockwell:

Imagine this happening when you’re trying to capture a moment that is absolutely impossible to recreate. Like the birth of your child.

This did indeed happen yesterday with my son—not his birth, but a really cute moment that I missed capturing. And this was far from the first time.

Update (2024-05-28): I’m not sure what’s changed, but I had a lot more problems with the shutter button this last weekend, with it failing to respond around half the time. The buttons to change lenses often didn’t respond, either. The problem recurred soon after restarting the phone.

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This has been happening to me often and I assumed it was my phone specifically.

feels like activating the camera from the lock screen just to get a blank black screen and miss the shot has been happening to me for years, one reason I bought my first new "real" camera since forever. gave up the high dynamic range and p3 color for reliability. what happened to the camera team being one of the best in cupertino?

Holy crap I thought it was just me! Specifically that first bug—with the black screen—happens to me ALL the time. Every time, it makes me think that the one thing that this app needs to do is, no matter what, open instantly and be able to take a picture. But so often something happens that’s gone in a moment, but I was fast enough to get my phone out and open the camera app, only for the stupid black screen thing to happen. It’s such a memorable bug because it really only happens when you really need it not to.

Daniel A Shockley

The iOS camera bug where the screen goes black or the controls stop responding is really infuriating. I’ve put up with it for years, across multiple phones. It seems sometimes like the phone is/gets warm, too, almost as if the problem is that the iPhone is struggling to process something, and that is making the camera interface lag or lock up.

The black screen thing has been happening on my last 3 phones, that I specifically remember, 12 Pro, 13 Pro Max, and now on my 15 Pro Max. Closing and reopening always works but boy is it frustrating.

Same here - on two different iPhones (12 and 13 Mini). Has Apple acknowledged this as a bug already?

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