Friday, August 11, 2023

Overlaying Text on Images

Eric D. Kennedy (previous version):

If you hop into Dev Tools and remove the overlay, you’ll see that the original image was too bright and had too much contrast for the text to be legible. But with a dark overlay, no problem!


Whip up a mildly-transparent black rectangle and lather on some white text. If the overlay is opaque enough, you can have just about any image underneath and the text will still be totally legible.


A surprisingly good way for making overlaid text legible is to blur part of the underlying image.


The floor fade is when you have an image that subtly fades towards black at the bottom, and then there’s white text written over it.


A scrim is a piece of photography equipment that makes light softer. Now it’s also a visual design technique for softening an image so overlaid text is more legible.

Via Shannon Hughes:

Just set the background color of the UIVisualEffectView (the view itself, not the contentView) to a partially opaque white. And, crucially, skip the vibrancy effect for the text. (As an extra flourish, make the text color black with 70% opacity so the background can show through just a little. And we made the border color black at 40% opacity so it doesn’t compete with the text, which is what you’ve seen in all these examples, but wasn’t something we hit upon until the end.)


In sum, be cautious when using UIVisualEffectsViews over backgrounds you don’t control, but don’t despair. Adding a semi-opaque background color to the effect view might be all you need to get legible text you can count on.


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