Thursday, March 23, 2023

Other People’s Playlists in Your Apple Music

Tim Hardwick:

Apple Music appears to be sparking serious privacy concerns for some users, with multiple complaints on Reddit about other people’s playlists randomly appearing in their music libraries in the Music app.

Redditor adh1003, who contacted MacRumors about the issue, has compiled several reports from users complaining about the appearance of strange playlists in the app that they do not recognize. MacRumors has since found other posts on Reddit from users reporting the same behavior.

In some cases, unknown playlists have been merged with users’ existing playlists. In other cases, users’ playlists have gone missing or been replaced by unrecognized ones.

Bruce Schneier:

OpenAI has disabled ChatGPT’s privacy history, almost certainly because they had a security flaw where users were seeing each others’ histories.


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So, about all those executives jumping ship ... do you suppose they know something we don't?

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