Monday, February 27, 2023

KextViewr 2.0


KextViewr is a utility with a simply goal; display all currently loaded kernel modules (or “kexts”). While Apple’s commandline tool kmutil can provide similar information, it’s nice to have a UI version, with filter, search, and export capabilities.


The displayed kernel extensions can be filtered using the ‘Filter Kexts’ search box, found at the top right corner of the app. Simply begin typing to filter all tasks based on their names, paths, etc. For example, typing ‘BSD’ will show only modules that contain ‘BSD’ in their name or path. KextViewr also contains special ‘hash-tag’ filters that can filter modules based on concepts such as “only system modules” (#apple) or “all non-Apple (3rd-party) modules” (#nonapple).

The new version includes an interface refresh and compatibility with newer versions of macOS.

Update (2023-02-27): Corentin Cras-Méneur:

YA great app! I used it on older Mac many times over to track old, legacy extensions that has been installed and long forgotten to get rid of them and regain some sanity!

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Awesome. Many thanks!

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