Thursday, February 16, 2023

macOS 11.7.4

Juli Clover (full installer):

Today’s update addresses an ongoing issue with Safari icons. The Big Sur 11.7.3 update introduced a bug that prevented icons from showing up in the Safari Favorites section. Spaces where icons normally appear were blank, making it difficult to see which sites are in the Favorites section at a glance.

Alas, the blank icons bug in Ventura remains unfixed.


Update (2023-02-21): Jeff Johnson:

Safari 16.3.1 on Big Sur 11.7.4 fixed the missing extension icons, but it still hasn't fixed the missing pane in the extensions preferences.

2 Comments RSS · Twitter · Mastodon

Like Macrumors…you also missed that this also fixed extension icons.

@Berta Which icons are you referring to? And what do you mean by “missed”? From what I can see, Apple still has not documented the changes.

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