Friday, December 2, 2022

Coinbase Wallet NFT Transfers Blocked From App Store

Coinbase (Hacker News):

You might have noticed you can’t send NFTs on Coinbase Wallet iOS anymore. This is because Apple blocked our last app release until we disabled the feature.

Apple’s claim is that the gas fees required to send NFTs need to be paid through their In-App Purchase system, so that they can collect 30% of the gas fee.

For anyone who understands how NFTs and blockchains work, this is clearly not possible. Apple’s proprietary In-App Purchase system does not support crypto so we couldn’t comply even if we tried.

This is akin to Apple trying to take a cut of fees for every email that gets sent over open Internet protocols.

Note that, even with IAP, apps aren’t allowed to use NFTs to unlock content. So they only have value outside of the app/device. Normally that’s where IAP restrictions don’t apply. You don’t have to use IAP to transfer funds using Venmo or your banking app. You can also use apps to trade stocks without paying Apple 30% of the brokerage’s fee.


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"This is akin to Apple trying to take a cut of fees for every email that gets sent over open Internet protocols."

No it isn't. If they're gonna lie, lie good.

I guess they're not too keen on explaining what's actually happening, because then the last idiots who still deal with NFTs might wake up to the fact that they're being shafted.

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