Monday, October 10, 2022

Weathergraph 1.0.123

Tomas Kafka:

Interactive daily forecast: Tap the day in the daily forecast to quickly scroll to its hourly forecast.

Plus: Redesigned sunrise & sunset section in the details, and more tweaks to the visuals of the chart.

I like being able to quickly jump to a given day. The main thing the app needs now is a way to switch locations.


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Thank you, Michael, glad you like it!

> The main thing the app needs now is a way to switch locations.

I know and thank you for telling me out loud. I have been rolling this stone in front of myself for a while, adding other features I wanted to put in early, but it has now become inevitable (and the #1 support topic), as the app outgrows its 'simple watch-only app' roots. This is the next big thing I'm working on. Stay tuned :).

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