Thursday, August 4, 2022

Studio Display Firmware 15.5 (19F80)

Apple (via Howard Oakley, MacRumors):

Resolves an audio issue with Studio Display

Are they not able to give it a new version number because there’s no iOS 15.5.1 for phones?


Update (2022-08-05): John Gruber:

I spent $40 on a HomeKit power outlet to work around the Studio Display’s lack of a power button.

Markus Müller-Simhofer:

I “almost” bricked my Apple Studio Display with yesterdays update. I think my mistake was running it from macOS Ventura b3. Apple Support was able to help me restore it by keeping it plug-in for ~15min on a Mac with Monterey.

Update (2022-08-08): Seth Willits:

So far it appears that the recent Studio Display Firmware Update 15.5 (19F80) did fix the audio issues for me. Great!

Now, am I the only one who is getting windows resized to 1920x1080 whenever the display sleeps? Can we get a fix for that too?

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Installed without incident.

I am not bothered that the display runs iOS (there's always some kind of firmware) or *overly* bothered by the audio bug, but it's a little absurd that updating a display's firmware requires rebooting your Mac.

The debut “firmware” version of this new overpriced display is called 15.5. And because of the marketing bind they've created for themselves, having based it on the Internet Telephone Operating System, the second version is also called 15.5. The hilarity continues.

@Ben I think the debut was 15.4, and 15.5 was the camera “fix.” But, yes.

>Are they not able to give it a new version number because there’s no iOS 15.5.1 for phones?

Yeah. My guess is:

1. iOS 15.5.1 has already been in the works
2. they wanted to do a quick fix for this
3. however, 15.5.1 isn't ready, so they branched off 15.5.0
4. something about their build/documentation process is too complicated to retroactively rename 15.5.1 to 15.5.2

(This product is an endless source of hilarity and/or dread for me.)

@Sören It doesn’t seem like there will be an iOS 15.5.1 at this point since 15.6 is already out. But maybe it was in the works at some point and so already exists as a different branch internally?

> 15.6 is already out

Oh, right.

>But maybe it was in the works at some point and so already exists as a different branch internally?

Maybe — perhaps their quick fix for audio on the display breaks stuff on the iPhone, so they didn't want to merge it.

>I think my mistake was running it from macOS Ventura b3

I'm seeing reports that the update was pulled from people on Ventura. Maybe this is why.

(But it does not fill me with confidence that a *display*'s firmware update is so closely tied to the *Mac*'s OS release. There's hopefully a big postmortem on some of the engineering decisions here.)

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