Friday, March 11, 2022

Featured Dark Patterns

Ian Lynch Smith:

Apple needs to do better. Yesterdays “Game of the Day” has a 2022 biz model of $120/year. The “no thanks” is color hidden in upper left, the red “free trial” is actually the same as the “subscribe” button. Apples’s #1 app store push yesterday.

Peter N Lewis:

This is “Apple doing better” - better for Apple. Apple makes $18-$36 a year off every subscription. It’s as much in Apple’s interests as the developer’s to act shady and scam people out of money - more so since Apple puts in no effort and gets almost none of the blame.

Dave Mark:

Apple added a “notification indicator” to the Settings icon (typical of a new update) telling me about “Family Purchase Sharing”.

Thing is, the only way to get rid of it is to agree. There’s no “no thanks” option, just a cryptic reference to an unlinked page.


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