Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Jira Cloud for Mac


Jira Cloud for Mac is a snappy and simple way for software developers to work with tasks and update their team on progress.


For a powerful product like Jira, building a Mac application from scratch would have taken significantly longer. But thanks to Mac Catalyst, our iOS developers became Mac developers overnight. It was that easy.

Here’s the App Store link.

Matt Birchler:

I’m sad to say the Jira Mac app is a massive disappointment. It’s ungodly slow, spikes CPU usage to 150%+ whenever I click anything, has poor keyboard shortcut support, is less powerful than the web, and has terrible text entry.

Hard uninstall 🙁

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At least for the slow and CPU intensive part, it matches the web edition.
Jira is a resource hog, and it require rather beefy server even to run a simple instance with only a couple of users.

Switching to a hosted gitlab for SCM, bug tracking and CI/CD free a bunch of resource for other services on our servers.

> thanks to Mac Catalyst, our iOS developers became Mac developers overnight. It was that easy.

Imagine thinking this.

> It’s ungodly slow, spikes CPU usage to 150%+ whenever I click anything

...sounds _just_ like the web version then.

This sounds like the type of hubris and shoddy capability that Atlassian has always demonstrated with its Mac products (Sourcetree, I'm looking at you—or I was, until I finally ditched it in favour of Fork last year).

Sören Nils Kuklau

That’s not just the Mac.

Atlassian generally has a way of buying software, then significantly slowing down its development pace (another example: Trello).

And if anything, the Windows version of Sourcetree seems to be in worse shape.

Alas, it still does some stuff Fork doesn’t, but I’ve mostly moved to it as well. It’s faster and leaner, and for the stuff it doesn’t do (or doesn’t do well), which is getting less and less (it seems to be evolving rather fast), I still have Sourcetree around.

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