Friday, August 16, 2019

App Store Editorial Stories on the Web

Benjamin Mayo:

Apple has recently updated its App Store Preview pages for stories to allow users to view the full content of stories from inside their desktop web browser. App Store stories have always been shareable as links, but the web version was just a title and a navigation link to ‘open this story in the App Store’.

Between August 9th and August 11th, Apple has upgraded the experience and now includes full imagery, app lists and paragraphs copy in the web version. This means you can access the same content online as you would be ale to find in the native App Store experience.


Whilst you still cannot access the App Store front page from the web, or buy apps through the browser, if you see someone share an App Story story about an app you might be interested in, it’s now a much nicer experience to interact with that article from a Mac.

John Gruber links to the feature for Yoink, and I can view that in Safari, although it simultaneously opens the App Store app on top of Safari. However, the feature for ToothFairy still uses the old style of showing the artwork without the editorial text (and also opens the Mac App Store app). On iOS, it shows the text from the Mac App Store in the iOS App Store app. So you can’t select text, copy it, or search, like you could if it were in a Web browser.


Update (2019-09-03): Gus Mueller:

The link above will give a little preview to the story, but to read the whole thing, you’ll need to follow the link to the Mac App Store.

No way to read the story in a browser or to select/copy/print the text. If you want to save a copy of it, I guess you need to screenshot it (and scroll down and screenshot it again).

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What is it with Apple and low contrast, light gray body text on a white background?

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