Friday, December 21, 2018

Transitioning Capo to Subscriptions


While other companies may require all their existing paid customers to subscribe in order to get future updates, we instead decided that none of our existing customers should require a subscription! Slowly, we hope to earn each one of your subscriptions by continuing to deliver great updates to the features you have, and by introducing exciting, subscriber-only features that (we hope) will be difficult for you to pass up.

I guess they’re doing this by looking at the purchase date in the Mac App Store receipt.

Previously: Productivity Apps and Subscription Pricing.

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Pleased to see that you caught this! I watched your past coverage of subscription transitions with quite some interest.

Just wanted to stop in to say that I use the "original application version" stored in the receipt to help determine whether someone has previously purchased the software.

There are a few reasons for this choice, but here are two important benefits to consider:

1. It does not require *any* complicated calendrical calculations that are easy to mess up
2. You can afford a slip-up with your launch schedule if you bake any of these date checks into your code

In case you're interested in how the transition was designed and executed over the past few years, I shared more about that here:

@Chris Yes, using the version instead of the date sounds much better. Thanks for explaining that and for the link.

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