Friday, October 12, 2018

Is There Hope for the Mac App Store?

Speaking of the Mac App Store, Paulo Andrade writes (tweet):

Since its inception the Mac App Store has lagged behind its iOS counterpart. To this day there’s still no TestFlight or App Store analytics for Mac.


But although the tendency for shorter app review times was sustained, the unpredictability was still there… at least on the Mac App Store. In the last year alone there were at least a couple of occasions where Secrets for Mac got stuck in either “Waiting for Review” or “In Review” for at least a week. In both cases, contacting App Review seemed to unblock the issue.


And it sure looks great [in 10.14]. Certainly a great improvement over what was there before, albeit sometimes it feels more like an iOS app running on the Mac than a native Mac app.


Tried submitting to the Mac App Store but failed because it refuses to accept binaries with the new Since Mojave’s release is still a week and half away, I contact Apple and wait for a response.


30 days after my initial submission attempt, Secrets 2.8.0 is still not available on the Mac App Store. Besides knowing my issue was escalated, I have no idea what’s going on, why it’s taking so long or when can I expect it to be reviewed.

Lily Bradic (via Phil Schiller):

But after my initial “ooh, Dark Mode!” reaction subsided, I realised it wasn’t just the contrast between the dark backdrop and the rich illustrations that was impressive, but the design of the Mac App Store itself. For the first time ever, the App Store feels like one of the beautifully designed apps you’d go there to purchase — as well as a platform for discovering them.


Apple have recreated the Mac App Store from the ground up, and it’s a pleasure to use. There’s a joy in simply browsing: with the all-new Discover tab, Apple has introduced fascinating stories, in-depth interviews and weekly picks. These editorial features bring everything together, creating an ecosystem that celebrates the best of what app developers have to offer.


Exploring the new Mac App Store feels like an adventure, and it inspires you to make the most of what your Mac is capable of doing.

Coincidentally, Andrade and Bradic work on competing products.

Previously: AEDeterminePermissionToAutomateTarget Added, But AEpocalyse Still Looms.

Update (2018-10-19): Mark Munz:

How did Apple manage to completely rewrite Mac App Store for Mojave and STILL NOT let users to search for past purchased items?

I honestly don’t believe developers at Apple actually use Mac App Store.

Update (2018-10-22): Frank Reiff:

After the first 25 or so days of the “new Mac App Store”, I’m happy to report that sales are if anything down and there is zero sign of any sandboxing or policy changes that could have changed anybody’s mind about the Mac App Store.

Update (2018-10-25): Matthias Gansrigler:

I hope @Apple and the #Mac @AppStore team are aware that App Preview videos (adhering to Apple’s specifications) are cut off at the edges. It’s especially bad for @YoinkApp, since it appears at the edge of the screen and is now partially cut-off in the videos.

Update (2018-11-27): Howard Oakley:

Take, as an example, its Updates view. There’s so much wrong here that it is close to being functionless, and is often misleading. The previous App Store app provided a time-ordered list of (almost) all the updates that you had installed, although most recently Apple had even tampered with that record, removing old versions of macOS, for instance, without any good reason. When it comes to displaying updates, this new version has a mind of its own. It sometimes only lists a specific update there for a few minutes. It weeds the list as and when it feels like, and doesn’t pay much attention to how long ago the update was installed. Few, though, are allowed to remain longer than a few days, then apparently pass out of the scope of its very limited memory. If I can remember as far back as a week ago, why can’t this wonderful new app? Its list of updates is extremely wasteful of space. All I want to see here is the name and version of the update, and when it was installed. Yet in quite a sizeable window, the app is incapable of displaying more than about 14 updates, when it can recall them.


But its most bizarre behaviour is the way in which it calculates how long ago each update was installed. This may seem a small point, but almost every time that I look at the list of updates, it makes me stop and check. At first, I thought it might be locked into Pacific Standard Time, even though I access the UK App Store from UK local time. But when it reports that an update was installed X Days Ago, it isn’t applying a human concept, but that of a machine date calculation.

Update (2018-11-29): scott:

You can not update free software from the Mac App Store without a valid credit card on file. You can not download security patches for free software from the Mac App Store without a valid credit card on file.

Found this out after switching banks.

That is completely crazy.

Update (2018-12-05): John Gruber:

So in Mojave’s Mac App Store app, you can’t scroll anything using standard keyboard keys like Page Up, Page Down, Home, End, or the space bar?

Things like this are canaries in the coal mine regarding the state of the Mac. If even Apple doesn’t get basic fundamentals — like supporting Page Up/Down, things which should work in a scrolling view out of the box — how are we to expect any developer to?

Update (2018-12-07): Howard Oakley:

Mojave 10.14.2 update didn’t, if Apple’s release notes are to be believed, bring any changes to the Mac App Store. But after the update, it is behaving quite differently. In fact, it looks as if it’s broken, on this Mac at least.

Update (2018-12-11): Howard Oakley:

It started well after I had successfully migrated to my new Mac. One morning, there were four updates shown in the App Store. When I clicked to download and install them all, a little later the App Store had given up, and told me they had to be downloaded again from the store.

Update (2019-04-08): Steve Zeoli:

I want to be able to find new apps, not the same list of Top Paid or Top Free apps. I’m not a fucking sheep that wants to follow the herd. Give me green grass!

Update (2019-05-13): Brent Simmons:

When I open the Mac App Store, it goes straight to this. Just me?

Update (2021-05-24): Tony Arnold:

This is a hard argument for never building native app UI using web technology (HTML, CSS, etc).

If these were native controls reading off a server backend for their content, they’d at least still look good, even if they weren’t populating properly.

The display of the Mac App Store has been broken on Sierra and High Sierra for months.

7 Comments RSS · Twitter

Apple, where are the Panic / BareBones sandboxing changes?!?!?!?!?!!!!??

"Coincidentally, Andrade and Bradic work on competing products."

And Bradic's company has a really big customer: Apple. So objectivity is not the priority in this 1Password blog entry. And this is a basically a blog entry published just for SEO.

[…] Previously: Is There Hope for the Mac App Store?. […]

[…] Previously: The Mojave Marzipan Apps, Is There Hope for the Mac App Store?. […]

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