Monday, April 17, 2017

Flume Leaves the Mac App Store

Rafif Yalda (tweet, via Jeff Johnson):

Just minutes before submitting the update to Apple, we received notification from Apple that after re-reviewing our app by seemingly random selection, we had one week to make significant changes or be removed from the App Store.


Flume’s operation is indeed not explicitly authorized by Instagram (said third-party). We make that clear in our Terms of Use. The reference to “third-party social media alterations” is a vague statement however, and the only issue they chose to highlight was Flume’s uploading capabilities.


Unfortunately, as mentioned above, Apple chose to not reply, leaving us with very little recourse.


The inconsistency of the decision strikes us the most however - 39 Instagram related apps still remain live on the App Store, 13 of which provide upload features[…]

Update (2017-04-17): Flume:

Just a quick update - we decided to try once more to get an answer about the inconsistencies and this time, they did reply (<24h ago).

Didn’t really answer our questions entirely, though this was a follow up to the new update which was rejected.

3 Comments RSS · Twitter

[…] Smaller developers get their apps pulled from the store, with an automated e-mail giving a day or week’s notice (or even none). Without proof of wrongdoing, they get slimed in the press and banned from […]

Blanca Perez

The Version Pro App Flume from Rafif Yalda, this App it doesn´t work , the man received the paid of 20€ for a pro version in Mac and give no service, he doesn´t answer the e-mails and he is Swindling people.

I too purchased the pro version of Flume and get an error message when trying to post to Instagram. Very disappointed that no one will respond to me.

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