’s Bee, now in beta (via Hoà V. Dinh):
Bee is a connected task tracker for the Mac. It currently syncs with GitHub Issues, JIRA and FogBugz.
There’s also a local plugin which makes Bee behave like a traditional GTD or task manager application.
I’m still hoping to find a Mac client that I like better than the FogBugz Web site. This beta is still pretty rough, but it shows promise. It downloaded my cases quickly, and the interface, though non-traditional, feels smoother than some other clients I’ve tried. It also has easy integration with FogBugz’s timesheet, with a “start” button on each case and a menu bar widget that shows the current case and what you’ve worked on recently.
Bee Developer Tool FogBugz GitHub JIRA Mac Mac App
Riccardo D’Antoni:
Making money with in-app purchases boils down to one question – why do we buy things?
I’ll give you a hint – it’s mostly about satisfying emotional and psychological needs. If you can understand how people think, you’ve got a leg up in your app – and that’s what this article is all about!
Or, if you’re using an app with IAP, you can see how you’re being manipulated.
App Store Business In-App Purchase
Miguel Rios and my former classmate Jimmy Lin recently published a paper titled “Visualizing the ‘Pulse’ of World Cities on Twitter”:
These examples aren’t new or noteworthy on their own, of course; we already understand these events. What is remarkable is that we can observe these phenomena just by analyzing Tweets from people around the world –– a method that can teach us more over time about humanity, countries and their cultures.
Twitter Web