Thursday, September 2, 2010

iTunes 10

To restore the stoplight buttons to their rightful horizontal orientation (via Mike Ash):

defaults write full-window -int -1

Garrett Murray:

A year ago, I compared the then-brand-new iTunes 9 against its predecessor. New year, new version of iTunes, so here’s an updated comparison. It’s amazing to see just how much visual tweaking Apple does with each new major version of the application.

He’s got a nice rollover comparison. I prefer the tighter vertical spacing and the color icons, although I like the move to making some of them more symbolic.

Shawn Blanc has screenshots of the new capacity indicator, now reflection-free.

It’s nice to see the funny tabs gone from the iPhone screen. The new recessed tabs are at least consistent with the iTunes Store, if not other Mac applications.

Jesper has some interesting comments:

It looks like the balance of power continues tipping. Info.plist now enlists an NSPrincipalClass, ITNSApplication, meaning that it uses the Cocoa startup path. (Very curiously, I can’t find that class by dumping iTunes.) Still chock full of Carbon, but it seems they’re going to do this over several versions.

I’m also following the MacInTouch reader report.

Update (2010-09-06): Pierre Igot:

While iTunes is indeed not a document-based application, it is possible to have multiple windows open in iTunes. Just double-click on the icon of any playlist or even the iTunes Store in the source list on the left of the main window.…This will open what you double-clicked on in a separate window and, guess what, that window has a title bar, which makes the vertical window controls look even sillier and uglier, because they are not even tucked in the corner of the window any more…

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