Archive for August 13, 2018

Monday, August 13, 2018

Henrik’s Favorite Command-Line Shortcuts

Henrik Warne (Reddit):

Most people I have worked with use both arrow-up and ctrl-r when repeating commands. However, very few are familiar with escape-dot and repeating commands from the history list. Since I use all four ways very frequently, I thought I would write a post to spread the word.

If you have “Use Option as Meta key” checked in Terminal’s preferences, you can also use Option-Period, which is much easier to type, to insert the last argument of the previous command.

The p modifier to prevent executing the command recalled from the history was new to me.

Previously: Things I Wish I’d Known About Bash, Mac Terminal Tips, Craig’s Terminal Tips.

Group FaceTime Delayed

Juli Clover:

Apple today removed Group FaceTime from the latest iOS 12 and macOS Mojave betas, which were released this morning, and has instead decided to release the feature at a later date.

Stephen Hackett:

We need a word for this. It’s happened to several big features in recent years, including AirPlay 2 and Messages in iCloud.

Previously: iOS 11.4 and Messages in iCloud, Pre-Announcing AirPower, HomePod Delayed.

Update (2018-08-14): Adam Engst:

Frankly, we’re not surprised. In testing of the current betas with TidBITS and Take Control authors, Group FaceTime was nowhere near ready for primetime.

John Gruber:

These delays are disappointing, yes, but I actually prefer this policy of holding off on new features until they’re ready rather than shipping them in a buggy state just because it’s September and time for new iPhones to be released.

John Gruber:

Think of WWDC less as “Here’s what’s coming in our point-oh releases this fall” and more “Here’s our OS roadmap for the next year”.

This is fine, and I’m all for holding back software that isn’t ready. But Apple is certainly not presenting the schedule this way at WWDC, so instead it looks like they’re repeatedly misestimating with their tentpole features.

Previously: Apple Delays Features to Focus on Reliability, Performance.

American Computer & Robotics Museum

Andromeda Yelton:

I have an hour or two to kill in Bozeman so I found this hole in the wall computer history museum This is not what I expected.

The museum’s site is here.

Notes on Google’s Site Reliability Engineering Book

Dan Luu:

I like this book a lot. If you care about building reliable systems, reading through this book and seeing what the teams around you don’t do seems like a good exercise. That being said, the book isn’t perfect. The two big downsides for me stem from the same issue: this is one of those books that’s a collection of chapters by different people. Some of the editors are better than others, meaning that some of the chapters are clearer than others and that because the chapters seem designed to be readable as standalone chapters, there’s a fair amount of redundancy in the book if you just read it straight through. Depending on how you plan to use the book, that can be a positive, but it’s a negative to me. But even including he downsides, I’d say that this is the most valuable technical book I’ve read in the past year and I’ve covered probably 20% of the content in this set of notes. If you really like these notes, you’ll probably want to read the full book.