Mailsmith 2.1
Mailsmith 2.1 adds some very nice improvements such as fully keyboard-controlled filing of messages (a feature I loved in Emailer; Mailsmith improves it by adding type-selection in the mailbox list), connection status displayed in the Mail Browser window, and search string synchronization between the Simple Query and Find & Replace windows (as well as other applications). Until the end of the week, you can get Mailsmith 2.1 and SpamSieve 2.1 for $79.
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OK, moving mail from the keyboard is way cool. I don't remember if I knew this about Emailer or not, once I assigned command-option-m to Move To Mailbox, it feels like I'm so much faster at moving mail.
Is the full, non-limited version of SpamSieve included at that price. I just paid for and downloaded Mailsmith 2.1, and after monkeying with things, I don't see a way to activate SpamSieve without payment.
I'm willing to pay, by the way; I'd just rather not pay twice if my dollars have already purchased a license! :)
Yes, Mailsmith includes the full version of SpamSieve. You should receive a coupon code (beginning with "CPN") from Bare Bones that you can redeem in SpamSieve's Purchase window to get your SpamSieve serial number.