Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Secrets Remote Keychain

Paulo Andrade:

With this update you can now use Secrets on your iOS device as a remote keychain for filling Logins and Credit Cards on a browser running on another machine, such as on Windows or Linux.


With the updated browser extensions for Firefox and Chrome you can now pair one or more iOS devices to serve as a remote keychain. The pairing works by simply reading a QR Code from the extensions’s options page.

Then, when you get to a page with a login or payment form, you just click the Secrets toolbar icon on your browser and a request is sent to your paired devices via push notifications.

I could also see this being useful on a secondary Mac, where you may not want to or be able to store your database locally.


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While this doesn’t work in Safari for Mac, it does work in Chrome or Firefox for Mac. So if you’re able to run any of those (or their derivatives such as Brave, Vivaldi, etc) on your secondary Mac you at least have that option.

Because the Safari extension is bundled with Secrets for Mac, you already have to have the app installed, so the thinking is that you’d use that instead.

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