Excluding From iCloud Drive
Today I learned that if you put a folder named “Dropbox” in your iCloud Drive, iCloud refuses to upload it. It only says “Ineligible”.
I recall de compiling the iCloud Drive binary and seeing “Dropbox” string part of a blacklist.
malhal (via Tanner Bennett):
Here are all the file/folder names excluded[…]
Adding one empty file named .nosync to a folder will prevent that folder from syncing.
You can also use this as a file extension to specific files, but the folder treatment is quite useful.
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[…] Try to create a Dropbox folder in iCloud Drive. In the Mac’s Finder, or in iOS’ Files app, create a new folder and name it “Dropbox.” You can’t, right? This oddity was noted by Ole Begemann on Twitter (and shared by Michael Tsai). […]
The `.nosync` file in a folder trick is apparently not reliable; you need to rename the folder to end in `.nosync`.
[…] ‘Dropbox’ in your iCloud Drive, iCloud refuses to upload it,” according to Ole Begemann, via Michael Tsai. “It only says […]