Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Retiring Omni’s iOS Document Browser

Ken Case (tweet):

At that time, there was no built-in document browser, or even a rich text editor: if we wanted those features—essential to apps like OmniGraffle and OmniOutliner—we had to build them ourselves.


In 2019, we think it’s time to retire our custom document browser in favor of using Apple’s built-in document browser—and with our iOS 13 updates this fall we’ll be doing just that. Instead of seeing our custom file browser, you’ll be presented with the standard iOS document browser—just like in Apple’s own iWork apps. Using Apple’s browser, you’ll be able to store and sync your documents using Apple’s built-in iCloud Drive, or third-party commercial options like Box—or even in cloud- or self-hosted collaborative git repositories using Working Copy.

I’m looking forward to being able to directly access files from Working Copy. This way I can sync files to my iPhone directly from my Mac, without having to upload them to any cloud provider. It also means that I can be sure certain files are with me, whereas the Files app can’t easily cache whole folders offline and can’t be trusted not to purge its cache at inopportune times.

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Your remote repository would still be a sort of cloud provider in this case would it not?

@Dillan I have Working Copy pull directly from a repository on my Mac.

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