Swiftifying Apple’s Framework APIs
And yet, after just a few months of working with Swift, Cocoa has begun to lose its luster. We all saw Swift as the beginning of the end for Objective-C, but Cocoa? (It wouldn’t be the first time an Apple standard library would be made obsolete. Remember Carbon?)
I don’t actually have insider knowledge here, so this is just speculation, but I think it will be a long process. At least when I was there, the teams spent the majority of their time not maintaining and improving frameworks, but really supporting market features like new screen sizes or support for new hardware. That’s what takes most of the time. So it will take a conscious decision to do anything non-trivial, and I don’t see that forthcoming.
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I suspect we’ll start to see Swift wrapper classes for things - especially the C based APIs that are more of a pain to use with Swift.
"And yet, after just a few months of working with Swift, Cocoa has begun to lose its luster."
And then he woke up in the real world.
Right now, Swift is more like Swoft (Super waste of f***ing time). Haven't read any objective post-modern yet that would have mentioned developing (an application) in Swift had a great ROI.