Friday, May 17, 2024

BBEdit 15.1

Bare Bones Software:

“ChatGPT Worksheets” are branching out; the renamed “AI Chat Worksheet” preferences provide settings to select alternative services. Included with the application are service models for ChatGPT, Claude, and Ollama.


Added a “Decompose Unicode” transformation.

Added a setting to the “Expert” settings panel list so that it only shows values that have been changed from their factory defaults.


BBEdit will now try to automatically guess JSON, so that if you paste some into an untitled document, you won’t have to remember to manually set the language if you want to use “Reformat Document” to pretty-print it.

I guess it’s time to retire my script for that.


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After updating to BBEdit 15.1, I've noticed that documents now open in a tiny window in the center of the screen, instead of a document-sized window at the left edge of the screen. Does anyone know of a preferences setting to fix this madness?

@Doodpants I didn’t see that on my Mac. Recommend that you contact Bare Bones support, as they are very helpful in figuring out stuff like this.

Just to follow up, I found it in the release notes:

"Reworked the default placement and size of new document windows; they are now centered in the main display and occupy a less-than-total fraction of the available display height."

It does this when I create a new window, or open a file with BBEdit for the first time. Previously opened files remember their window size and position.

It just seems like a really bad choice of defaults to me, but I guess it follows the new conventions established by Apple themselves lately.

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