Monday, May 13, 2024

Xcode 15.4

Apple (direct download):

Xcode 15.4 supports simulating web distribution while running or testing your app.


Some Macs recently received a macOS system update which disabled the simulator runtimes used by Xcode, including the simulators for iOS, tvOS, watchOS, and visionOS. […] To resume using the simulator, please reboot your Mac. After rebooting, check Xcode Settings → Platforms to ensure that the simulator runtime you would like to use is still installed.

The download link was showing a 403 Forbidden error for much of the day but now seems to work.

I’m not seeing fixes mentioned for the issues reported with Xcode 15.3.


Update (2024-05-15): Dave DeLong:

I pretty firmly believe that Swift’s tooling is an existential threat to the entire language. It’s so tightly coupled to Xcode, and what you get there is a mixed bag. Stale warnings persist for ages, which means newcomers can’t even trust that what they’re seeing is accurate. How is anyone supposed to learn?

The stale warnings still aren’t fixed in Xcode 15.4.

See also: 10 years on, what would you change about Swift?.

Steve Troughton-Smith:

The answer, which I’m sure you’re dying to know, is that the current version of Xcode and Swift 5.9 can compile an app for iOS 7.

The major caveat being no armv7 support — which means you can only build for 64-bit, so the only possible device this could ever run on is a non-upgraded iPhone 5s.

You also have to substitute in a bunch of arclite libraries into the SDK, which are trivial to find if you go looking

Drew McCormack:

Why is working with crashes in Xcode still so torturous? I am using vanilla everything from Xcode Cloud down. Completely standard. And yet crashes simply don’t show up, or show up in AppStoreConnect but not in Xcode, and when they do, they are not symbolicated. It’s pretty fundamental stuff.

Update (2024-05-17): Jesse Squires:

I guess no one who works at Apple has ever used git branches with Xcode and SwiftPM.

This 4 year old bug is still not fixed.

Matthias Gansrigler:

Interface Builder got very buggy in Xcode 15.4…

Update (2024-05-20): Rob Jonson:

Sometimes XCode likes to bring back old errors - little happy memories.
Sometimes the build fails - and you just need to build again.
Sometimes, you need to clean the Build Folder and build again.

Sometimes - Issues are real.

Annoying that you can’t easily tell the difference.

Special bonus - those fake errors also show up in the build log 🤪

Update (2024-05-29): Dave DeLong:

Today is one of those days where the state of Swift tooling is REALLY getting to me. Command-click is totally broken. There are no docs. The Swift forum threads I find are years out of date.

All I want is to wrap a C library in a swift package and include “./configure” as part of its build process. Apparently this is impossible, even though this is rudimentary stuff.

The Javascript ecosystem is looking MIGHTY APPEALING right now. I can’t believe we put up with this.

Update (2024-05-30): Adam Tow:

Apps built with Xcode 15.4 may have broken AppIntents (i.e. Shortcuts actions) when run on iOS 16 and iPadOS 16.


Found a workaround from Xcode 15.3 release notes[…]

Update (2024-06-12): Adrian Schönig:

If you get this error: “The server declined to authorize this image on this device for this user.” errors when trying to run on a device”, then delete your ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/[OS] DeviceSupport folder.

Xcode 15 included a bug (114820860) where Swift apps would crash at launch on macOS 10.13:

Workaround: Add $(TOOLCHAIN_DIR)/usr/lib/swift-5.0/macosx/libswiftAppKit.dylib to the Other Linker Flags build setting in Xcode. This should be removed when the deployment target is increased to 10.14 or later.

This was since fixed, but I found a similar bug (FB13820420), still in Xcode 15.4, where Swift apps that use the Network framework crash at launch on macOS 10.13 through 13.x (when using the 10.13 deployment target). A similar workaround of adding $(TOOLCHAIN_DIR)/usr/lib/swift-5.0/macosx/libswiftNetwork.dylib helps.

Adam Overholtzer:

It’s more than a little frustrating we’re about to start a new beta cycle without getting a stable release of last year’s macOS or Xcode (especially Xcode).

2 Comments RSS · Twitter · Mastodon

As someone who was affected (thrice!) by the disappearing platforms, I'm glad they at least acknowledged the issue. Hopefully that means it won't happen again.

First Xcode that's so unusable I had to uninstall. Lots of phantom errors that eventually cleared after re-starting, clearing caches, resetting the SPM cache, etc

...but then started getting a min version violation error -- said I needed to target 1 minor version higher even though I was 5 major versions above either. Wouldn't clear after multiple cache cleans and reboots -- and got some new errors to boot.

Also, as others have noted, noticeably often noticeably laggy. Will probably have to drop back to 14.x.

When you can't trust or get past the compiler, you're basically S out of L. Very disappointing.

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