Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Ive Drives Icons

Louie Mantia (Mastodon):

It’s been 15 years since the original and 12 years since the sequel. Volume 3 contains a staggering 125 hard drive icons, comprising of 25 metal colors (most—if not all—of Apple’s modern product colors), with 5 varieties of each.

Beautiful external drive icons up to 1,024×1,024.

I’m not sure whether there’s a better way, but if you open the .icns file in Preview, you can Select All and Copy. Then if you Get Info on the drive and Paste it seems to apply all the image representations to the .VolumeIcon.icns file that it creates.

5 Comments RSS · Twitter · Mastodon

Just drag n drop from finder to Get Info upper icon

Came here to say what Peter has already said.

This reminds me of the early mid-2000's, back when ResExcellence was active and people were posting their screenshots, wallpapers, and icons.

Great collection of icons, brings back a bit of the Classic days where customization was the norm (remember the menubar eyes, the grouch or bigfoot, or the entire after dark collection). Nowadays computing is so bland..

I was thinking a while back that these CDs you'd get with magazines with freeware, shareware and demos on them were really nice ways of discovering those apps, wallpapers, sound effects etc. Now there's just the tip of the iceberg you can view in the app store...

I'll go and murmur in the corner a bit -- again, nice collection.

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