Monday, July 31, 2023

iCloud Drive Troubleshooting, Metadata, and Custom Icons

Howard Oakley:

Fixing problems with iCloud and iCloud Drive is completely different from any other troubleshooting in macOS, because:

  • Almost all problems are delays in or failure of synchronisation.
  • Documentation is almost entirely lacking.
  • There are almost no tools to help diagnose or fix problems.
  • Even those experienced in reading the log find it hard to use for diagnosis of iCloud problems.
  • There’s a very limited range of potential solutions.

The main problem I have with iCloud Drive is that (even small) files added from my iPhone often take 8 or more hours to be uploaded, even with the phone on Wi-Fi and a small total amount of data stored in iCloud Drive. There are even fewer troubleshooting levers to try in iOS than in macOS. Sometimes restarting the phone helps; other times I just need to wait or share the file in a different way if I need it sooner.

Howard Oakley:

The illusion that all xattrs are retained by iCloud Drive when read from the same Mac that uploaded them isn’t the result of those xattrs being stored alongside the file’s data in iCloud Drive. Instead, those xattrs are accessed from the local file system. Eviction thus appears to change local metadata by deleting large xattrs, and all xattrs.


For example, although I’m sure they have long since been deprecated, Resource Forks can still be used to provide a custom thumbnail that’s displayed in preference to the default set by QuickLook. As that is accessed from the local file system on a Mac that uploaded the file to iCloud Drive, on that Mac the custom thumbnail will be displayed until the file is evicted; when it’s downloaded again, the Resource Fork will have been stripped, and the custom thumbnail has vanished. But on a different Mac accessing the same file in iCloud Drive, the custom thumbnail won’t have been shown at all.

Although that might seem an edge case, vanishing metadata can have other significant impacts on apps that rely on it.


Flags can be upper or lower case letters C, N, P and S, and invariably follow the # separator, which is presumably otherwise forbidden from use in a xattr’s name. Upper case sets (enables) that property, while lower case clears (disables) that property.

Howard Oakley:

Even if you were able to upload the Icon? file complete with its xattr, there’s another problem to overcome. In APFS, your local file system, directories can have xattrs attached to them, and often do. iCloud Drive doesn’t appear to have any equivalent that can be associated with xattrs, so there’s nowhere to store the xattr containing the flag to indicate that folder has a custom icon.


This xattr stripping also comes into play for custom file icons that are evicted, then downloaded and viewed on the same Mac that added the icon. As long as a file isn’t evicted, it still uses the xattrs stored in its local file system metadata, including, but when it has to be downloaded from iCloud Drive, that xattr is stripped, so removing the custom icon. This explains why custom file icons can mysteriously vanish, even when they’re viewed from the same Mac that created them.


Since writing my previous account of the behaviour of xattrs in iCloud Drive, I have also been able to clarify the limits imposed on their size. The primary limit appears to be a maximum total size of around 32,650 bytes (but slightly less than 32,767) available for the storage of xattrs for each file in iCloud Drive, rather than any lower limit on the size of individual xattrs. If the total size of xattrs for any given file exceeds that, then individual xattrs are removed, starting with the largest, until the total falls below that maximum.


Update (2023-08-04): Craig Grannell:

My iCloud Drive has suddenly started restoring months-old folders but without whatever was in them, which at first freaked me out because I thought I’d lost a load of files. Why is it doing this? No idea. On the plus side, no catastrophic data loss this time.

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Corentin Cras-Méneur

And iCloud Drive is one thing, but I've also been bitten with crazy sync and corruption issues with contacts and calendar and they are an absolute nightmare to deal with.
Ages ago, w used to be able to go nuclear through Syncrospector, but to the best of my knowledge, there is not anything we can really use to figure out the sources of issues, or correct them nowadays.
I talked to Apple Support about an issue a while ago and even they couldn't wipe my data clean and suggested I simply stopped using my iCloud account and opened up a new one for my data. Madness!!
Once in a while, I still see CalendarAgent go crazy and use 100% CPU for hours and hours.


I’ve been noticing text files placed throughout my iCloud Drive named “text”. These seemed to automatically be generated when files are saved to iCloud using the Save to Files action in a Share Sheet. I’m unclear as to what purpose these serve.

The most frequent and obvious issue I have with iCloud drive is that uploads get stuck when new files are added. I have a shortcut in my menubar that pkill's 'bird'. I don't even have to resort to SIGKILL, the default (SIGQUIT?) works, so the process must not be too badly hung. It restarts automatically and quickly finishes the upload. It's been this way for years.

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