Friday, December 30, 2022

Fixing SMB File Sharing in Ventura


I use the SMB file sharing system to access files on my MBPro from my iPhone 12, on my local network. Until now, this has been robust, reliable and fast.

After updating my MBPro to Ventura 13.0 and my iPhone to iOS 16.1 I cannot connect the laptop to the phone or to my old iMac, running Monterey 12.6.


After I installed macOS Ventura my File Sharing stopped working. I wasn’t able to connect from my Windows computer to my Mac anymore.

I had to turn off File Sharing, reboot my computer, and then turn on File Sharing again. It started to work after I did that.

Via Sean Heber:

It worked and I’m back in business but… like… SERIOUSLY WTF?!

I rebooted a bunch of times trying to get to this work but I never thought to turn off file sharing before rebooting because, like, why would that make any difference?!


Update (2023-02-14): Isaac Halvorson:

Ever since getting my new Mac mini server set up, I have had nothing but problems sharing its drive over the network. Apparently there are issues with SMB shares in Ventura, so that’s likely the actual culprit.


The common workaround is to turn file sharing off on the server, restart the machine, then turn file sharing on again. That does seem to work, but only temporarily for me.

Update (2023-02-21): Isaac Halvorson:

I didn’t want to jump the gun before some time and testing, but it appears that the most recent macOS update (13.2.1) has resolved my SMB network share issues! I’m now able to connect from my MacBook Pro to my Mac mini without issues, and the connection is stable and consistent.

There wasn’t any change to SMB documented in the release notes, so it could be random somehow, but I’m happy regardless.


Update (2023-03-23): Joe Rossignol:

Several users who were affected by the issue have noted that network file sharing is functional again as of the third beta of macOS 13.3 and later, with one user saying that Apple confirmed a fix was implemented. macOS 13.3 is in the final stages of beta testing and is expected to be publicly released as soon as next week.

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I have file sharing problems almost every time I upgrade to a new major version of MacOS. I just take it for granted now that as part of the upgrade process I'll have to turn off all the file sharing settings, reboot, then set it all up again from scratch.

I haven't noticed Ventura being any worse than prior versions of macOS in the X-era. It's still not great! Seriously how, after 20+ years, is this OS still unable to reliable mount or share files on a LAN? Classic Mac OS could do this better over LocalTalk (albeit much more slowly) and Windows is rock-solid by comparison.

I have headless Linux VMs accessing my Synology over NFS 24/7 and there are zero issues. Set it and forget it. Might as well be local, hard-ware attached storage. It just works.

I do not understand why this is so hard for Apple to nail down. Do they not share files within the macOS team? Like, not ever? Do they just email files back and forth, and eschew servers at home and office?

Samuel Herschbein

A client has a Synology, several users suffered chronic disconnects. I couldn't get a Monterey Mac to share a folder on the admin user's Desktop. The problem for both is NetAuthSysAgent.

When migrating from an earlier macOS to Big Sur & newer, this key in /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/, gets migrated:


Apparently Net Auth gets "confused" by the Kerberos Realm and hangs.

Delete (you'll need to authenticate), then restart, gets created & properly populated without a Kerberos Realm.

After doing that the Synology no longer spontaneously dismounts or fails to mount, plus File Sharing on the fixed Macs works.

Samuel: bless you.

Well, I hate to be the party pooper, but actually, not withstanding the usual problems (SMB's general overheads, lack of documentation and configurability in Apple's smbd, and interoperability of the protocol across platforms more generally) the truth is that, for me, it went really, really well. I mean, whether over TB3 host-to-host, or GBE, I'm basically squeezing the best performance I can out of it. I don't use configured shares, only virtual admin shares--perhaps that has something to do with it? Monterey Mac Mini NAS, Ventura/iOS/Windows clients. All good?

Of course, I have given to wonder, not infrequently, whether "sshfs" isn't a better choice, or perhaps whether it couldn't be made to be a better choice, with more filesystem features for file sharing purposes (locking, random access, etc). But if SMB (and NFS) support is already there, why fix what ain't broke?

@Samuel Herschbein I'm giving your solution a shot. I imagine I'll know for sure in a week or two!

[…] to MJTSai for finding the solution to this frustrating […]

Neil Laubenthal

The off/reboot /on trick didn’t work for me, and neither did deleting the smb.server.plist…and neither did the set protocol idea I found to 6 in nsmb.conf or whatever the file name is. Guess I’m going to Recovery and leave Monterey on the server for the time being.

I have the same response as Neil Laubenthal. Nothing works for me. File Sharing on my M1 MBA doesn't work no matter what I try. It works on my M1 Mini, Intel iMac, MBP 16, etc. It's only this one Mac that is having issues. It feels like a preference file is corrupted or something.

I Have the same problem as T Manning and Neil Laubenthal. I have just bought a brand new Mac Mini M1 with a docking station that i can install a second HDD into. I use a second HDD in my older mac mini for years for all my file sharing across my other macs/windows machines without any problems. Sadly i cannot share that second HDD at all. Ive tried all the usual fixes listed on a few websites and nothing works. I can see my mac mini on the network but not the second HDD or any other shares for that matter.

Any help fixing this issue would be appreciated.

Removing extended attributes of each shared directories (for example with "xattr -c /path/to/dir" command) seems to work for me, and apparently for some other peoples


How embarrassing for apple; simple file transfer doesn't work anymore! My m1 mac mini is on Ventura my MBP on Big Sur.

File Sharing SMB only checked.

Before deleting this file /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/
the Big Sur machine Finder hung and then froze (shutdown from terminal did not work).

From the m1 I can ping the IP of the MBP but not the HOSTNAME.local.
Hostname.local was working but now not so much.
Connecting to server resulted in a blank window!

5 shutdowns on each machine now its is working. How flaky is this? USB sticks all around!

I made the mistake of updating my (Intel) server to 13.2.1 today and experienced the same issues that you have all been discussing. Thanks to kpmelocoton fir the xattr -c trick. It has worked for me so far.

Followed Samuel instructions and deleted the on both my Macs - Also turned off Sharing, rebooted both, turned on file sharing again and it worked! I am able to copy files and folders both ways!

I've had the same issue and none of the usual fixes I could find about this worked. In my case it was the firewall that blocked /usr/sbin/smbd after the Ventura install. One of the first things I tried was disabling the firewall but that didn't actually disable it. The System Settings app seems to be very much broken when it comes to the firewall, at least on my two M1 Macs.

What helped was using the command line interface which actually works:

sudo /usr/libexec/ApplicationFirewall/socketfilterfw --unblockapp /usr/sbin/smbd

Another data point (20240110):

Tryna connect to an M1 MB Air running 13.6.1 from an M1 MB Pro running 12.3.1.

I won't even try to enumerate all of the problems.

Found this thread.

Turned OFF sharing
Turned ON sharing

And stuff works.

(For how long? TBD.)

wtf, Apple?

It's 2024 and you earn almost $100B per year and you STILL cannot provide stable file sharing in your OS.

I've not used SMB for years, but activated it on Sonoma yesterday and it just worked. Today it no longer works. I did the toggle, reboot, delete Prefs, reboot, toggle dance and it's working. What an embarrassment. MacOS madness.

I still had the but on Ventura 13.6.9. The following two commands cured the problem (apparently it's a firewall issue):
sudo /usr/libexec/ApplicationFirewall/socketfilterfw --add /usr/sbin/smbd
sudo /usr/libexec/ApplicationFirewall/socketfilterfw --unblockapp /usr/sbin/smbd
And voila, works again. Which is truly bizarre since the Settings->Network->Firewall->Options showed that SMB was already added to the firewall exceptions. But apparently it was not.

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