Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Introduction to Move-Only Types in Swift

Tim Kientzle:

I thought it would help to have an informal sketch to help outline why move-only types are interesting, clarify a few subtle points (like what “move” really means), and briefly explain some of the issues we’ll need to tackle in order to bring this to Swift.


So the first step in bringing move-only support to Swift is to add operations with different lifetime-management behaviors. This will include constructs such as for borrow x in collection that let you iterate over the items in a collection without requiring an implicit copy and f(take x) that explicitly invalidates the local value as part of passing it into a function. We’re also exploring variations of these that would allow you to temporarily gain mutable access to a value. These would allow you to efficiently mutate an element “in place” in various scenarios, which is a useful optimization tool for copyable values and an essential prerequisite for move-only values.


By making Any a synonym for any Copyable, we can ensure that Any is itself always copyable at the cost of limiting it to only store copyable values. This redefinition would preserve the behavior of current code that uses Any. Of course, this means we need to introduce a new type that can hold any value whether it is copyable or not.


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