Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Notebook to Laptop

Benjamin Mayo:

Apple appears to be rolling out a wide-reaching branding change about how it refers to its Mac portable lineup. Up until recently, Apple officially referred to the MacBook Air and MacBook Pro as “Mac notebooks” or just “notebooks,” leaning on the relatively outdated industry terminology of notebook computers.

But now, everything user-facing appears to be slowly converting to using a “laptop” nomenclature.


With macOS Ventura, a newly set up MacBook Air or MacBook Pro will be called ‘[name]’s Laptop’ by default. (It used to be set to “[name]’s MacBook Air” or “[name]’s MacBook Pro”.)

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Apple (stubbornly?) stuck to "notebook" while the industry went to laptop. My understanding was that Apple didn't want to convey that these machines were supposed to be used on your lap mostly because of heat.

Maybe the shift to much cooler Apple Silicon made that argument obsolete?

Incoming new Apple Notebook product.

"Apple didn't want to convey that these machines were supposed to be used on your lap mostly because of heat"

I'm glad I'm not the only one with that weirdly specific memory! I must have read that in the late 90s or early 00s, but I was never quite sure if it's actually true, or just something somebody made up.

Netbook is still available - I'm shocked they didn't jump on that

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