Archive for February 11, 2022

Friday, February 11, 2022

git config blame.ignoreRevsFile

Arnout Boks (via Cédric Luthi):

A long-standing objection to making bulk changes to code using automated tools (e.g. to conform to a given code style) is that it clutters the output of git blame. With git 2.23, this does not have to be the case anymore!


Because these bulk changes render git blame useless, many teams refrain from applying automated style changes of this magnitude. That means they have to live with either a coding standard that they would rather not have, or with a codebase that does not follow their standards.


Using --ignore-rev, one can specify a commit to be ignored by git blame.


When multiple bulk commits were added over time, it takes quite some effort to add a --ignore-rev for each of them in order to get a ‘clean’ output for git blame. Luckily, git also provides a way to make this easier on us. In your repository, create a file to hold commit hashes of commits to be ignored by git blame. Naming this file .git-blame-ignore-revs seems to be a common convention.

Bug Opted Users Back In to Sharing Siri Recordings

Juli Clover (tweet):

The second beta of iOS 15.4 addresses an iOS 15 bug that was allowing the iPhone to upload some Siri recordings to Apple even when users had previously opted out of doing so, Apple said in a statement to ZDNet.


There is no word on how many recordings Apple accidentally collected nor who was affected.

Pieter Arntz:

The Improve Siri & Dictation setting was turned off in 15.2 to fix a bug that was introduced in iOS 15. This bug enabled the setting for some users who had previously opted out. In other words, recordings were being kept for some users who had opted out of the setting instead of being deleted.

This class of bug—an update opting users back into something they had opted out of—seems to be really common for Apple.

What is painful is that the bug affected mostly people that had on purpose opted out from being recorded. Since identifying the bug, Apple has stopped reviewing and started removing audio received from all affected devices.

One thing that is unfortunately considered standard behavior for Apple is that it kept the information under its hat until it was fixed. It is clear from its statements that the company has known about the bug at least since before the introduction of version 15.2 (December 13, 2021).


Update (2022-02-11): Jeff Johnson:

Every iOS and macOS update re-enables Bluetooth.