Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Shared Shortcuts URLs Broken

Matthew Cassinelli (tweet, Reddit, Federico Viticci):

Hello all – we’re currently experiencing a fairly major outage for iCloud links related to Shortcuts, and at the moment almost every shortcut that has been shared in the past cannot be installed.


This is still developing and, while it does seem like it’s possible to resolve, I shared a thread where I highlighted how major issues like this are eroding the larger trust in Shortcuts, especially outside the current community – this is a crisis moment for Shortcuts.

I hope Apple is able to dedicate resources to fully overcoming the technical debt accrued inside the Shortcuts ecosystem, as well as restoring trust in the community – the people who are in this community and our ideas for how to use shortcuts are stronger than ever, but we’re constantly trying to stand on uneven ground.

Update (2021-07-02): Mike Rockwell:

It would be cool if you could still add .shortcut files instead of fully relying on iCloud links.

Federico Viticci:

I wrote this about Shortcuts and sharing in 2019. I’m just going to leave it here.

Nick Heer:

This has been all over my Twitter timeline for hours, but Apple’s iCloud status webpage is still all green — everything is apparently just fine with Shortcuts.

Juli Clover:

Apple has now fixed the problem, and links to Shortcuts on the web should be largely functional again.

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