Thursday, September 26, 2019

iPhone 11 Pro Display Tests

Raymond M. Soneira (via MacRumors):

The iPhone 11 Pro Max has an impressive Top Tier display with close to Text Book Perfect Calibration and Performance!

Based on our extensive Lab Tests and Measurements the iPhone 11 Pro Max receives our DisplayMate Best Smartphone Display Award earning DisplayMate’s highest ever A+ grade by providing considerably better display performance than other competing Smartphones.


OLED displays now have tremendous performance advantages over LCDs, so high-end and flagship Smartphones need OLED displays in order to compete at state-of-the-art performance levels, securing OLED as the definitive premier display technology for Top Tier Smartphones in the foreseeable future over the next 3-5 years. With the continuing improvements in OLED hardware performance, picture quality, and precision accuracy, it will be much harder for new display technologies to challenge OLED.

But OLED displays have problems with movement, and it seems their tests don’t cover that.

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It's not all movement these OLEDs have problems with, but specifically when transitioning from off (black) to dark grey there is clearly some latency.

@Weiran Just regular scrolling looks weird to me.

@Michael Tsai You say this from OLED usage on iPhone or on other devices?

@Ed From OLED on iPhones (pre–11 Pro).

>Just regular scrolling looks weird to me.

Isn't this mostly a problem when screens are driven with a refresh rate that's too high for their specs? Are you seeing this with all OLED screens, or just on specific devices?

@Lukas I don’t know what causes it. All the OLED screens I’ve seen, which is not many.

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