Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Apple Revives Texas Hold’em Game

Michael Potuck:

In a surprise move, Apple has revived its Texas Hold’em game for iOS today. The update to the original game comes in celebration of the 10-year anniversary of the App Store and has been redesigned to include new characters, improved graphics, more challenging gameplay, and much more.

I certainly didn’t expect that to happen.

John Voorhees:

Missed the 10th anniversary by 363 days.


  1. The intern didn’t finish the update until this summer
  2. Jony said no, but now that he’s leaving, anything is possible

Marco Arment:

  1. They submitted it last year but it was held up by app-review limbo.
  2. The build was stuck “Processing” for a year.


Update (2019-07-15): John Gruber:

They’ve switched the font to San Francisco (but maybe that’s just because they were always specifying the system font), and it adapts to fit the iPhone X-class displays, but there’s still no iPad version and still no iCloud syncing across devices. For the most part, the game seems unchanged. Oh, and in a sign of the times, the price dropped from $4.99 to free.

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It's interesting to see how the landscape has changed between releases.

"All these animations explain the app's huge 128MB download size," said MacWorld of version 1; version 2 is 1.5GB.

"Best of all, Apple knows how to price a game. Five dollars is a true bargain, making Texas Hold'em an easy game to recommend," said IGN in 2008; in 2019 it's free.

Oh I love this game! I was sad when I couldn't play it any more, and now I'm happy I can!

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