Friday, July 5, 2019

Requesting Entitlements

Felix Schwarz:

Has anybody heard back from Apple after requesting the #DriverKit entitlement? I requested mine 26 days ago and didn’t so far.

Timo Hetzel:

Requested CarPlay entitlement about 5 years ago 👴🏻

LateNite Films:

Same here for Final Cut Pro’s Workflow Extensions API - radio silence.

Robbie Trencheny:

Same here for Critical Alerts for @home_assistant until about 5 phone calls to dev support, two forums threads and finally only noticing that I got the entitlement without them notifying me by clicking around and doing network debugging in certificates area. Ugh.

I also wonder whether many (or any additional) apps have gotten the entitlement.


Update (2020-02-22): Steve Troughton-Smith:

Wow, adding CarPlay support is really easy these days. Still, no reply from Apple means no entitlement means it could never ship

Still frustrating that Apple doesn’t have the decency to reply to CarPlay entitlement requests to say you’ve been rejected, so you’re just sitting there for years wondering what to do

(Yet another massive target for the antitrust hammer, too; how can any app compete fairly with Apple’s own native experiences if they’re not allowed build a CarPlay UI and Apple can)

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I requested the Privileged File Operations (PFO) entitlement for an app I want to bring to the Mac App Store back in November 2018, and got approval through in February 2019.

The app copies images from cameras over WiFi and imports them into various photo apps on the Mac, or just into the file system. I need PFO to be able to do a "This file already exists on disk - do you want to replace it?" dialog.

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