Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Waiting for a New iMac

William Gallagher:

The last update was in June 2017 which is long enough ago that the smart money would’ve bet on at least a speed-bumped iMac being released at October 2018’s Apple event. It didn’t come then and current rumors most strongly suggest that neither it nor any Mac hardware at all is coming with the expected March 25 event.


So while Apple didn’t mind treading on the iMac’s time in the spotlight with a sneak peek of the iMac Pro, it has avoided doing the opposite. Which means that this year, Apple may also avoid sharing that spotlight between a hypothetical new iMac and the guaranteed new Mac Pro.


For instance, not long after the iMac’s last update, Intel announced eighth-generation Core i7, i5 processors which were pitched as being for Apple portables but versions of them ended up in the 2018 Mac mini.


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Always waiting. It's kind of silly. Either Apple makes what you need, or you move on. Doesn't seem fair to be in a perpetual holding pattern. I keep telling clients, don't single source your tools. Be flexible.

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