Friday, January 4, 2019

Mac App Store Links Prompt to Review

Jeff Johnson found that, on macOS 10.14, if you follow a Mac App Store URL that contains an affiliate token, the store will try to have you review the app. I am seeing this as well, and it’s especially annoying in the common case of an app you’ve never seen before, because then you get an alert window telling you, the dumb user, that you can’t review apps you don’t own.

It was easy for me to fix my own links to the store, since they all go through an Apache redirect. The affiliate tokens are now useless, anyway. But I can’t do anything about links that other sites have posted.

Previously: Apple Removes Apps From Their Affiliate Program, Is There Hope for the Mac App Store?.

Still funny™: all the app store links vended by appstore connect and placed by devs on their page that link directly to a review and always alert you on click that you haven’t bought the app yet to comment. #sadface

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Credit to for bringing the issue to my attention and for filing a Radar, which unfortunately has not been fixed in 2 months:

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