Time Out 2’s Supporter Business Model
A year after release, the supporter model is still working well. If you’re not familiar, the basic idea is that someone can download Time Out and use it for free, but some features only work for an hour at a time, as often as they like. So they can try all of the functionality, at their own pace, and decide if the advanced features are useful to them. If so, they can become a supporter for three, six, or twelve months. This permanently unlocks all of the current features as a reward. Even when the supporter period expires, those features remain fully available. So they can choose to extend their supporter status, or just keep using the app without paying any more. Of course, I hope that people do renew, to help fund ongoing sustainable development.
At present, about 9% of people who download Time Out end up purchasing one of the supporter options... which is a reasonable "conversion rate", which can often average more like 5% for normal trial apps. I feel pretty comfortable with that. But I’m also happy that people who choose not to become a supporter can still use a great break reminder tool to help them get or stay healthy.
Looking at both editions combined, you can see that most of the purchases were through the Mac App Store[…] Again, combining them into one chart, you can see that [revenue is] pretty much neck-and-neck for direct vs Mac App Store, due to the larger slice of the pie that Apple takes.