Cocoa NSError Conventions
Follow Cocoa conventions for methods without parameters returning errors, i.e.
xxxAndReturnError:(NSError **)error
instead of justxxx:(NSError **)error
The Cocoa APIs are inconsistent and use both patterns. Sometimes the error
parameter is an NSError
, other times an NSDictionary
I dislike the ambiguity of -save:
and the verbosity of -saveAndReturnError:
(which, incidentally, returns a BOOL
), so in my own code I’ve been using names like -saveError:
(which has its own problems…).
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xxxAndReturnError is wrong anyway, because the whole point of an error is that it's xxxOrReturnError. (Although I say this after abusing NSError in an app a few weeks ago so it can return a partially constructed object…but anyway.)
You could think about a verb, how about saveOrErr:?
Happened to me. When I NSErrorized (… OK, might not be the most elegant term) the iOS Objective-C playback API I was in charge of, I had not problem with, say, - (BOOL)jumpAt:(float)pos error:(NSError**)err;, but I did something like - (BOOL)playError:(NSError**)err; (or maybe - (BOOL)play:(NSError**)err; ? I can't remember, but either way) and it looked like you were trying to play the error double pointer var, as a result my colleague rightly called me out on it (even though he is not versed in iOS), so I went looking for an example in the Cocoa frameworks and found the somethingAndReturnError: pattern which I have happily applied: - (BOOL)playAndReturnError:(NSError**)err;. For me, it is the standard to follow.
I haven't used it in any code, but an idea would be "reportingError:" which can work as both a verb and noun phrase as in:
- (BOOL)playReportingError:(NSError **)error;
- (BOOL)playSong:(Song *)song reportingError:(NSError **)error;