Drobo and Time Machine
One thing that’s somewhat annoying: the Drobo, when it gets nearly full, will insist that I change a drive. It’ll turn the light(s) yellow and everything. Can’t it be told that it’s a Time Machine drive and that Time Machine will automatically remove old data to make room for new data?
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Check out DroboApps at http://www.drobo.com/droboapps for the Time Tamer app which can prevent Time Machine from using up your whole Drobo, which means you probably won't have it run out of space and have the lights turn on.
TimeTamer is great. I use it -- we now have 3 Macs backing up over our households 10/100/1000 network to a Macmini with a Drobo.
Even better, it will work with any old drive, its not Drobo specific.
Kudos to Drobo for making this available.