Archive for February 18, 2003

Tuesday, February 18, 2003

Apple Events

Nat Irons:

Developer usability aside, Apple Events and AppleScript are two of the more profoundly useful technologies Apple’s ever disgorged, and it drives me nuts to see Mac apps that neglect them. With a taste of what they went through, I have a deeper appreciation of developers who do the work to get it right.

Perversion Tracker

James McNally pointed me to Perversion Tracker, whose latest review is as hilarious as it is accurate.

BBEdit 7.0.2

Leave it to Bare Bones Software to put a tiny little feature like, oh, support for zillions of text encodings, in a 0.0.1 update. “Open from FTP Server” also falls into this category.

There Was a Fire

Rainer Brockerhoff:

Anyway, I also remembered a humor piece I wrote 5 years ago for MacKiDo. There are some dated references, so I think it’s time to update it.