Monday, July 27, 2015

Apple at Its Most Pompous


Also amazing? The fact that there are over a million and a half capable, beautiful, inspiring apps on the App Store. And each and every one was reviewed and approved by a team of real live humans. With great taste. And great suggestions. And great ideas.

John Gruber:

What irks here, fundamentally, is that Apple is taking credit for the great apps in the App Store, rather than giving credit to the third-party developers who make them.

Nick Heer:

Apple has gotten really, really good at making ads that show the products, rather than talking about them — remember the “Every Dayseries? They’re still doing ads like that series, but for the Watch. And, while I know they have to change things up every so often, these feel like a miss to me. They’re too smug, and too pompous for my tastes. I prefer the softer sell.

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It's pretty incredible that Apple developers and fans still don't understand that not all Apple's ads are targeted at them. Not every single ad has to be artsy ~brand ads~. Nick Heer says he prefers "the softer sell", but he doesn't need any sell. Apple developers/fans aren't going to buy any other product. The "pompous" ads are direct and explain to new customers advantages that long-time Apple customers have known about for a while.

What's really amazing is that the guy who approved these lines thinks someone will believe them.

I see Gruber's still an idiot (/surprise-face). For reference, here is the complete, unedited, and unabridged list of *everyone* to whom Apple owes a Single. Goddamned. Thing.:

1. Itself.

2. Its stockholders.

Welcome to business. This is why Apple's constantly raking in the billions while the average app developer isn't even squeaking a profit.

@Barry: you nailed it. Fluttering fanbois simply cannot conceive that it's not all about them.

Of course it's a load BS, and Apple no doubt knows it's BS too - because Apple understands what it's *really* selling is not the product, but the *dream*.

And the results speak for themselves. In each quarterly report.

"I see Gruber's still an idiot (/surprise-face)."

There is a big difference between being an "idiot" and being a propagandist for the big pay-day.

Gruber is, on average, wrong 95% of the time. But that's not because he's an idiot. It's because being wrong in the precise manner that he's wrong brings him in a massive annual income.


"For reference, here is the complete, unedited, and unabridged list of *everyone* to whom Apple owes a Single. Goddamned. Thing.: 1. Itself. 2. Its stockholders. Welcome to business."

1: Given the massive stock options apportioned to management, "itself" and "its stockholders" is pretty much a single category.

2: The overwhelmingly popular meme that a corporation exists solely to maximize stockholder value is not only legally incorrect, but is also incorrect in a much broader sense.

They're taking credit for work they're *not* doing and for the work that someone else *is* doing. That doesn't change no matter "who the ad is for" or "what it gets across". This is "our own products are rated five stars, because we think they're great" all over again.

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