Wednesday, October 8, 2014

1Password 5.1 and Touch ID Changes

The 1Password 5.1 update seems to improve the situation with Touch ID. Most significantly, storing the master password in the iOS keychain seems to work now, whereas before I was often prompted to type the password.

The settings have been simplified. If you enable Touch ID, 1Password will always store the master password in the keychain; there is no longer an option to turn this off. If your iPhone supports Touch ID, you are no longer allowed to set a PIN code. There’s also one timeout instead of two, and there’s a new option to allow the use of third-party keyboards.

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[…] silent for six months” made me think that all of my 1Password data was at risk. After all, with Touch ID the master password is stored in the iOS keychain. However, putting together the details above, it […]

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